Image of Reception at the obstacle course competition
17 February 2023

Reception at the obstacle course competition

Some of our Reception children went to St Benedict's and took part in an obstacle course competition with some other schools. The children had to use their balance, agility and team work skills to complete the course. They took part in lots of different ways to exercise and learned new skills.…

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Image of Gymnastics skills in Reception
15 February 2023

Gymnastics skills in Reception

While half of our class went to a sports competition, the other children practised their gymnastics skills from this half term on the apparatus. We used skills such as balancing, jumping and climbing. The children have been perfecting their skills over the last few weeks and have really built up…

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Image of Year 3 celebrate the values of school games
7 February 2023

Year 3 celebrate the values of school games

Four children in Year 3 received awards for showing respect, teamwork, self-belief and discipline. Well done children. You showed these skills in our football skills lesson today.

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Image of Y6 Gymnastics Balances
27 January 2023

Y6 Gymnastics Balances

In their gymnastics lessons, Y6 have been learning how to use their bodies with a partner to create balances safely.



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Image of Throwing  and catching
26 January 2023

Throwing and catching

This week we have been practising our throwing and catching skills. To do this we have been learning how to play the game hot potato. We started with a small circle rolling and gently passing the ball to each other. We have practised so much that we were able to play a huge game of hot potato…

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Image of Ball Skills
25 January 2023

Ball Skills

In Multiskills, the Year 2 children have been learning how to move and pass a ball using their feet. This week they have been learning how to dribble the ball using their hands as well as passing it to a partner using a chest pass. The children are beginning to control the ball well when dribbling…

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Image of Y3 Compete with their ball control skills
24 January 2023

Y3 Compete with their ball control skills

Fantastic footballers, Year 3!  They all enjoyed keeping their footballs under control to score points in fun footy games. 

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Image of Year 5 Dance
23 January 2023

Year 5 Dance

In PE Year 5 have been putting together their own dance routines with a Bollywood theme. They learnt 3 hand movements and 3 different steps which they combined in their own way to create a unique dance. They enjoyed watching each other’s routines and commenting on strengths and areas for…

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Image of Circuits
12 December 2022


In P.E. today, Year 4 created their own circuits session by choosing 10 different strength and conditioning exercises. They then completed the circuit, carrying out each exercise for 20 seconds with a 30 second rest in between each exercise. They were then able to identify which parts of the body…

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Image of Year 5 X- country
8 December 2022

Year 5 X- country

Year 5 took part in a x- country event at St. Benedict’s today. We all ran 2km and our average time was worked out. In June we will return to St. Benedict’s to run the same course and we will see if we can improve our time. We hope to get lots of training in before then so we can knock some time…

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Image of Gymnastics Y4 2022
5 December 2022

Gymnastics Y4 2022

Year 4 have spent the Autumn term learning and refining some key gymnastics movements such as arabesque, front support, shoulder stand and cartwheel. The children then put these movements together to create a sequence. In order to analyse their own sequences, they worked in pairs to record one…

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Image of Football Tournament
30 November 2022

Football Tournament

Congratulations to all our footballers who represented the school in a tournament against other local schools. They all had a great time and enjoyed putting the skills they have been learning in PE  into practice.


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