Image of Y2 Autism Awareness
1 April 2021

Y2 Autism Awareness

Today Year 2 have been learning about Autism Awareness Week and what autism is, including the difficulties that autistic people can encounter in their lives. The children learned how everyone is different and unique in their own special ways. They reflected on this by thinking about all the things…

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Image of Treat Everyone With Kindness
1 April 2021

Treat Everyone With Kindness

During this week we have talked and learnt about differences!  We remembered our work during Lockdown about how important it is to ‘be ourselves!’  We listened to The Ugly Duckling story and the children said how unkind the other ducklings were to him!  We watched the Ollie and Daisy video about…

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Image of Y6 reflect during National Autism Awareness Week
1 April 2021

Y6 reflect during National Autism Awareness Week

To celebrate National Autism Awareness week, Y6 discussed what it’s like to be autistic and were really interested to understand and reflect on some of the challenges autistic people face in their lives. They also learned about the importance of treating everyone with respect and kindness. 

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Image of Y1 Autism Awareness
31 March 2021

Y1 Autism Awareness

Today as part of National Autism Awareness Week 2021 Serena volunteered to tell the class all about Autism.  Serena confidently talked to the class and shared her personal experiences. Serena told the class all about the charity that her family has set up to help support and celebrate Autism in…

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Image of Year 5 Autism Awareness Week 2021
30 March 2021

Year 5 Autism Awareness Week 2021

Year 5 have been learning about autism as part of ‘Autism Awareness Week’. They wrote these lovely acrostic poems to share their understanding of autism. 

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Image of The Year of St. Joseph Year 5
28 March 2021

The Year of St. Joseph Year 5

Year 5 have written prayers to St. Joseph to help us appreciate all our key workers. We will say each prayer daily during the Year of St. Joseph.

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Image of Year 2  enjoy a tool talk from the playground installers
26 March 2021

Year 2 enjoy a tool talk from the playground installers

Year 2 were treated to a tool talk from the men installing their new playground equipment. They were shown around the work area and told all about what was happening as well as being able to ask questions about the development. The excitement is certainly building as Langley Castle is taking shape…

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Image of Fabulous Fun in Reception!
13 March 2021

Fabulous Fun in Reception!

We came back to School and were so pleased and excited to see all our friends! To add to the excitement, we have new Outdoor equipment to help us to learn more through Outdoor Play, from bats and balls and our new Basketball Hoop, to planks and stumps of wood so we can create our own obstacle…

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Image of Pray, Stop, Go Jars Year 5
6 March 2021

Pray, Stop, Go Jars Year 5

During Lent every time year 5 pray, stop themselves doing something they know they shouldn’t or go out of their way to do something for others they are going to write it down and put it in their Lenten jars. At the end of Lent hopefully they will have a jar of messages to remind them of all the…

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Image of Lenten Leaves Y5
3 March 2021

Lenten Leaves Y5

As part of their work on Lent year 5 thought about something they have done that they were sorry for and wrote it down on one side of the leaf. When they had finished they turned the leaf over and wrote about something good they could do for Lent. In taking part in this activity they turned over a…

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Image of Y1 Kindness Challenge
26 February 2021

Y1 Kindness Challenge

Year One are taking part in a Kindness Challenge during Lent.  We have decided to try to help others during this time.   The children have created jars or envelopes to put all their acts of kindness into.  When Lent is over they will be able to look back to see just how kind they have been.  We…

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Image of Y6 create Rainbows of Hope
24 February 2021

Y6 create Rainbows of Hope

Following the latest news that we will all be returning to school very soon, the children in Y6 created bright, rainbow posters to show their appreciation that normality is slowly returning!

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