Image of Y6 Mental Health Week
12 October 2020

Y6 Mental Health Week

Y6 tackled some tricky conversations surrounding mental health and well-being in their PHSE sessions this week. They discussed the importance of keeping their minds as healthy as their bodies. On Friday they created posters using paint or oil pastels to show off why they are “amazing” and admitted…

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Image of World MentalHealth Day
9 October 2020

World MentalHealth Day

Today Year 2 reflected on what mental health is and ways they can look after themselves using mindfulness. They also thought about why they are amazing. Each and every child were able to talk about what makes them amazing and were able to say why they think their classmates are amazing too. They…

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Image of Y1 World Mental Health Awareness Day
9 October 2020

Y1 World Mental Health Awareness Day



 Today Year 1 celebrated World Mental Health Awareness Day.  We talked about what makes each one of us amazing.  In the afternoon we made sunshine’s to remind us how brightly we all shine.  

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Image of Reception celebrates World Mental Health Day
9 October 2020

Reception celebrates World Mental Health Day

Today we have thought about mental health.  We talked about not being able to put a plaster on it when we are sad, worried or scared.  We learnt about talking and some more mindfulness activities like mindful eating.  We thought about how amazing we all are and have made some Marvellous…

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Image of Y6 Aspiration Afternoon
5 March 2020

Y6 Aspiration Afternoon

Y6 spent the afternoon learning about future career choices and ways to work as a team at our Aspiration Event. They used Lego and were set a variety of challenges to help prepare them for scenarios when they’re older in the world of work. 

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Image of Senior Citizens’ Lunch
21 January 2020

Senior Citizens’ Lunch

We were absolutely thrilled to welcome members of our parish and community to our annual “Senior Citizens Lunch.” Our special guests were treated to fish and chips served by our fabulous Y6 waiters and waitresses, cake and custard for dessert and a performance from the school choir. A truly lovely…

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Image of Year 4 Tree Planting
9 January 2020

Year 4 Tree Planting

School Councillors from Year 4 were invited to a tree planting ceremony with members of the town council to plant a commemorative apple tree and were treated to refreshments afterwards at the DeLucy Centre.


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Image of Acts of Kindness Y4
12 December 2019

Acts of Kindness Y4

Year 4 have been learning about how to share God’s love and friendship as part of their Advent preparations. They carried out random acts of kindness in the local community by handing out sweets and chocolates alongside messages of love and friendship. 


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Image of Y6 Magistrates Court Visit
22 November 2019

Y6 Magistrates Court Visit

As part of their Crime and Punishment topic our Y6 children were invited to Workington Magistrates Court to find out more about how our justice system works. They took part in a mock court case, stood in the witness box and even visited the cells under the court. We were lucky to host Charlotte…

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Image of Anti-Bullying Day Y4
15 November 2019

Anti-Bullying Day Y4

As part of Anti-Bullying Day, Year 4 explored internet safety and cyber bullying. They used Purple Mash to help them design and create an information leaflet about how to stay safe online.

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Image of Y1 Anti-Bullying Day
15 November 2019

Y1 Anti-Bullying Day

Year One have had a wonderful day showing kindness to one another.  In the afternoon we made kindness hearts for our friends and families.  We especially enjoying delivering them around school. 

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Image of Y5 anti-bullying day 2019
15 November 2019

Y5 anti-bullying day 2019

Y5 dressed up in blue to show they are against bullying. We had a fun afternoon playing games with our friends, decorating biscuits in blue and creating a graffiti wall with reminders of how to prevent bullying.

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