Visit to Whitehaven Fire Station
What a perfect end to our topic on the Great Fire of London! Year 2 had the pleasure of visiting Whitehaven Fire Station today. The staff were amazing and demonstrated how quickly the fire would have spread in 1666. The children learned about fire fighting today and what equipment is like compared…
Phunky fruit kebabs
Y3 were creating and tasting healthy fruit kebabs. They took a long time to prepare, but disappeared into stomachs very quickly!
Phunky Fruit Kebabs
Y3 and Y4 enjoyed an afternoon making healthy fruit kebabs. They have been learning about ways to keep our bodies healthy and ways we can make sensible snack swaps.
Y6 Aspiration Session
Y6 enjoyed a morning with representatives from the Cumbria Primary Business partnership who came in to deliver a series of workshops about different jobs and career paths available in Cumbria.
School council election
There was a lot of interest in this year’s school council election. The children interested told the class why they would be a good Year 2 representative on the school council. The vote was very close with Isaac and Pearl being the two winning representatives. Their classmates have full faith in…
Reception end of year trip
Reception thoroughly enjoyed their end of year trip to the Lake District Wildlife Park. They enjoyed learning about all the animals. They especially enjoyed cuddling guinea pigs, watching a bird of prey display and stroking the bearded dragon and the snake.
Year 3 Surprise Tea Party for Mrs Moran
Today Year 3 had a surprise Tea Party for Mrs Moran in preparation for her retirement because we all know how much she loves tea and cake! We had a top team who decorated the classroom with balloons and set all the tables. Mrs Robson made Mars Bar cake and Mrs Moran brought treats! Plus we have…