Y1 History Interview
As part of our history work learning about ‘Shopping in the Past’ Mrs Stead came in to talk to Year 1. Mr & Mrs Stead owned a shop on Egremont Mainstreet years ago, it sold newspapers, groceries and sweets. Mrs Stead explained that contactless was not invented when she had the shop, so customers…
Y6 trip to Egremont Castle
Y6’s history topic this half-term has centred around our local area, specifically Egremont and its significance right back from the 1200s. The children have learned about the history of our little town, the origins of Crab Fair and how and why the castle was built. We went to investigate the ruins…
Sutton Hoo Ship
Year 4 have been learning about the archeological dig at Sutton Hoo. They were really amazed by the all the artefacts that were found and in particular with the size of the ship and how the Anglo-Saxons managed to bury it underground. We then went outside to recreate the size of the ship.
St Bee’s beach trip in Reception
Reception finished their topic of ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ with a visit to St Bee’s beach. We looked at what a beach looks like now compared to past photos we have been looking at. The children played on the beach, looked for shells and pebbles and even found some crabs in the crab pools. We then…
Year 2 Whitehaven museums trip
In Year 2 we are learning about the history of significant people and events in Whitehaven. We spent the morning on a harbour trail with Alan from the Beacon museum. He told us all about the history of the harbour and the mines. The children were very excited to see the sea locks being opened to…
Year 3 trip to The Roman Senhouse Museum
Year 3 had a great day studying 2,000 year old plus artefacts, carrying out a quiz, looking at replicas of Roman weapons, learning about the army, seeing the remains of a real Roman Fort from the top of a watch tower and making our own Roman sculpture from clay.
Year3 Coronation Celebration!!
We looked so patriotic on Friday, wearing red, white and blue. We had a day of fun and celebrations in honour of our new king. Celebrating the Coronation in style, having ice cream with King Charles III. This was followed with bouncy castle time, a picnic lunch, live music, cricket, making crowns…
Woodmatters 2023 pt2
Year 4 learned about the runic alphabet and had to decipher the instructions written in runes to find out how to make ink in the same way as the Anglo-Saxons. They also learned how parchment was made then made their own quill which they used to write their own message using the runic alphabet.
Woodmatters 2023 pt3
Year 4 learned about how coins were developed, used and made during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking times. They then designed and made their own coin.
Woodmatters 2023 pt4
Year 4 learned about how the weaving technique was used in different ways to create materials during medieval times. They then learned how to weave wool in the same way as our early ancestors.
Hands on History
Year 4 throughly enjoyed a day at Woodmatters learning about the Anglo-Saxon and Viking struggle for the kingdom of England. They re-enacted the entire period in history and battle formations using a range of artefacts. They had opportunities to use historical vocabulary and learn Norse words.
Y6 Rum Story and Whitehaven Harbour
Y6 had a great day out discovering more about the history of slavery and the sugar trade at the Rum Story. They learnt about the wealthy Jefferson family who traded from their office in Whitehaven and used the sugar which was farmed by slaves on plantations in Antigua to make rum. After looking…