Year 3 Stone Age to Iron Age Day
We had a great end to our History topic, impressing Ro with our knowledge about the Stone, Bronze and Iron Ages. We enjoyed being a human timeline, making axes, engraving copper, hunter-gathering and fire starting like a nomad with flint knapping.
As part of learning about Remembrance Year 1 created poppies by finger printing. The children reflected on why we wear poppies as a symbol of Remembrance for past and present conflict. The children were interested to explore how there are other symbolic poppies that reflect the involvement of…
Y1 History Walk in Egremont
In history year 1 are studying how shopping has changed in our community. Today we went to investigate the different varieties of shop in Egremont. Next we will compare today’s shops with the shops Egremont had in the past. We talked about which shops we felt are newer and which ones may have…
Year 2 Rum Story Visit
As part of their humanities topic on the history of Whitehaven, the Year 2 children enjoyed a visit to the Rum Story. The children were guided around the museum and learned about how the Jefferson family were instrumental in bringing serum, sugar and molasses to Whitehaven. The found out ships…
History and Hi Jinks in Whitehaven
What a beautiful day it was today for the Year 2 trip to the Beacon! The visit began with a talk and guided walk around the harbour to find out about the history of Whitehaven and the role of the harbour in mining and trade. After a well deserved lunch the children visited the Yellow Earl…
Year 3 enjoy The Roman Senhouse Museum
Year 3 had a wonderful time at the Roman Senhouse Museum at Maryport. They got to see the remains of a real Roman Fort and view look out posts. They were introduced to our new history topic for next half term in a fun and interactive way. Within the museum, they saw Roman remains that were over…
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Trip pt4
What fun was had re-enacting some battle tactics!
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Trip pt3
Year 4 learned about weaving and then made a small covering.
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Trip pt2
Year 4 learned about how natural materials were used to write. They then made their own ink and used a quill to write messages using runes.
Anglo-Saxons and Vikings Trip pt1
What a great experience! Year 4 learned all about how coins were used during the Anglo-Saxon and Viking times then they designed and made their own coin.
Y1 Remembrance
Year 1 learnt about why Remembrance is important. We learnt about the significance of the poppy as a symbol of remembrance. In class we held a 2 minute silence and prayed for all those who have lost their lives. In Art we created finger print poppies.
Fire, fire!
What a wonderful afternoon Year 2 had visiting Whitehaven Fire Station for a Great Fire of London session! The children amazed the firefighters with their knowledge of how the fire started and why it spread so quickly. They found out how there was no fire service at the time and how that led to…