As part of our history work learning about ‘Shopping in the Past’ Mrs Stead came in to talk to Year 1. Mr & Mrs Stead owned a shop on Egremont Mainstreet years ago, it sold newspapers, groceries and sweets. Mrs Stead explained that contactless was not invented when she had the shop, so customers paid in cash. Self-service tills were not invented and customers waited to be served by the shopkeeper. People didn’t have big fridge-freezers, so that meant shopping little and often. Big supermarkets were not around. People sometimes had to queue in long lines to get their shopping. Some of the coins used in the past are different from today we enjoyed learning about shillings. Sweets did not come in individual packets, so often customers would ask for them from big jars. Mrs Stead would weigh out the sweets and put them into paper bags. What a different world we live in today.