Science In Year 5
For Science Week, Year 5 students were given the exciting challenge of designing a way for Rapunzel to escape from her tower. To begin, the children brainstormed and came up with a range of creative ideas, including ladders, rope ladders, slides, and trampolines, all aimed at helping Rapunzel…
Bowling Final Y5/6
Year 5 and 6 representatives had a great time at the Bowling final at Carlisle. They all got to practice their bowling skills again and enjoyed taking part.
Goldilocks’ Bed
Today, Reception Class tested a range of different materials suitable for Goldilocks’ bed. The children said the bed must be warm, soft and comfortable. We handled a range of materials and agreed the fabric and cushion would provide the best bed for Goldilocks.
Reception making a new chair for Baby Bear
For Science week Reception have linked their experiments to Goldilocks and The Three Bears. We talked about how Baby Bear’s chair was broken by Goldilocks and how we could make a new one. The children worked in groups making a new chair out of Lego, junk modelling, shapes and outside with crates…
Nursery: The Three Billy Goats Gruff Bridge Building
To celebrate and enjoy Science week Nursery read the story of The Three Billy Goats Gruff. The challenge that was set was to have a go at building a bridge that the goats could use to cross the river.
All our children throughly enjoyed using the outdoor equipment to make different bridges. The…
Nursery Planting Seeds 2025
Last week in Nursery we had a go at planting some seeds.
We learnt that seeds need soil, sun and water to grow. Lots of children had a guess at what colours flower the seeds would grow into by looking at the seed packets.
We were all very pleased when we came into Nursery on Monday to find…
St. Patrick’s Day in Year 5
Today, Year 5 celebrated the Feast Day of St. Patrick, their class saint. To mark the occasion, they dressed in green. The children learned about St. Patrick’s life and created fact files that highlighted key moments from his journey. They had fun making and decorating shamrock biscuits and also…
Girl Can Festival 2025
Today, girls from Year 5 and 6 participated in the "Girls Can Festival," an event designed to inspire girls to explore a variety of sports. They had a great time learning new skills in football, athletics, dance, judo, and kicky rounders. We hope this experience will motivate them to continue…
Year 3 Treat Afternoon
Well done Year 3, for wonderful singing, behaviour and reverence in mass last week. Mrs Stead brought in chocolates. They watched part of a movie, ate popcorn and had an afternoon playtime to reward the wonderful impression that they left with our RE Inspectors. They said that all of our children…
STEM Science Assembly Y6 2025
Y6 joined a STEM Science assembly about Tech for Space. They learned lots about space travel and exploration and the technology equated to make this possible. They found out about all the different types of engineering jobs that involve designing and making the technology that enables humans to…
Year 4 Digestive System Investigation
To conclude our topic on The Digestive System, Year 4 donned their lab coats ready to investigate how the process of digestion takes place. The children were given a range of different items which replicate the digestive organs. Working in teams, the children then planned their own investigations.…
Year 5 Friction Experiment
Year 5 students have been learning about friction in science. To explore its effects, they conducted an experiment using jelly cubes. They tried to pick up the cubes from a paper plate but found it difficult because the cubes stuck to the plate due to the higher friction. To reduce the friction,…