2024 World Book Day in Nursery
What a fabulous day we have had celebrating World Book Day! We came dressed as our favourite characters or in our pyjamas. Some of us brought along our favourite story books to share with each other too. In the afternoon we were joined by some of Year 4 who came to read to us too!
World Book Day in Reception 2024
We celebrated World Book Day in Reception by dressing as our favourite book character or in pjs. The children brought a book to share and we played a game of guess the character by listening to clues from different traditional stories and guessing the correct character or object. In the afternoon…
World Book Day Y6 2024
After watching video clips of well-known presenters and actors ‘Bringing Books to Life’ where they shared what they love about their favourite stories, Year 6 worked together to create their very own short video.They considered the use of location, camera angles, images and music to create…
This week in Nursery we have been planting seeds and learning what a seed needs to grow - sun, soil and water.We have read the stories Errol’s Garden and The Extraordinary Gardener and can’t wait to see what our seeds grow into. Inspired by the fruit and vegetables grown in the stories we read, we…
Stations of the Cross Artwork 06.03.24
Year 6 are using their sketching skills to create posters of the Stations of the Cross in preparation for our Easter
Speed Spell in Year 5
In Year 5 we have been studying the statutory words we need to be able to spell by the end of Y6. We have looked at the ‘tricky’ parts and tried to think of ways to help us remember how to spell them. When we were confident we knew them we tested each other. Some of us managed to get full marks!
Windermere Trip - Vikings
What an action packed day we’ve had in Windermere, extending our knowledge of the Anglo Saxons, the Vikings and the struggle for power! Our day consisted of making our own quills and ink and using these to write our names in Viking runes. Then we had a go at weaving using sheep wool - this was a…
Year 4 Pomegranate Tasting
Our class text - The Boy At The Back Of The Class - has mentioned pomegranates and used some lovely descriptive vocabulary to describe one. Some of the children weren’t too sure what a pomegranate was. So today, we all tried one and created some of our own descriptions focusing on similes and…
Squash Tournament
Congratulations to our very own Squash Champion! Winning 3 out of 4 games (losing to the overall winner). Finishing 4th in the U13 age category. What a fabulous achievement!
St David’s Day 2024 in Year 2
Year 2 spent today celebrating their class saint, St David. They found out about his life and why he became a saint after his death. They also learned about how St David’s Day is celebrated in Wales. They all enjoyed tasting Welsh cakes before they created a non-fiction text and a video about what…
Dodgeball with Milo
Year 6 have been learning how to work together as a team.
Y3 Hockey Skills with Milo
Year 3 learnt how to hold their sticks properly and control the ball. They did this through a series of really fun games.