Girls Can tournament
What a great time KS2 girls had at The Girls Can tournament last week. They tried out lots of different sports including rugby, judo, dance and athletics. It was great to meet girls from other schools
Recovery Position in Year 5
In PSHE Y5 learnt that if they find someone unconscious but breathing they should be placed in the recovery position in order to keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. They all practiced doing this incase of an emergency. They also…
Recovery Position in Year 5
In PSHE Y5 learnt that if they find someone unconscious but breathing they should be placed in the recovery position in order to keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. They all practiced doing this incase of an emergency. They also…
Recovery Position in Year 5
In PSHE Y5 learnt that if they find someone unconscious but breathing they should be placed in the recovery position in order to keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. They all practiced doing this incase of an emergency. They also…
Year 3 Science Week
Year 3 enjoyed a range of activities this week. They started off with Professor Pumpernickel and an amazing Science Show, they then learnt all about the famous scientist and inventor Marie Curie, learnt all about light and shadows, carried out an investigation to see what happens to shadows as the…
African Drumming in Year 1
Year 1 welcomed African Drumming teacher Zozo into class. Zozo explained that an African drum is called a ‘Djembe’. Zozo shared some African stories and taught some African songs that Year 1 drummed along to. Year 1 had a fantastic experience and are looking forward to the next lesson.
World Book Day in Year 1
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. Everyone either came as a character from a book or in their pj’s. We talked about our favourite authors. We enjoyed sharing books with Year 6 in the afternoon. We had a fantastic time.
Hammer and nail skills
In Reception we have been learning how to use a hammer and nails safely. The children put on their safety clothes such as a hat, googles and vest. They then learnt how to hold the nail correctly and hit it with the hammer without hitting their finger. Lots of construction workers in the…
Sharing a Book on World Book Day Y6 2024
Year 6 enjoyed sharing a book with Year 1 on World Book Day.
World Book Day 2024 in Year 2
Year 2 love to read and thoroughly enjoyed celebrating World Book Day. They began the day with a World Book day Treasure Hunt outdoors where they had to solve clues about books to find the next clues and collect letters of the alphabet. The children returned to class where they completed a Library…
World Book Day in Year 3
We had a great day today. The children looked amazing. They read our class book, Operation Gadgetman and voted for their top 10 books. After lunch they teamed up with a Reception child to read them a story. They wrote book reviews, made book marks and took part in a live World Book Day lesson. A…
World Book Day In Year 5
What a busy World Book Day we have had in Year 5! We celebrated the day by dressing up as our favourite book character or by wearing our pyjamas. We joined a BBC live World Book Day lesson and listened to different authors talk about what inspires them to write. We designed new book covers for our…