Dodgeball in Reception
Continuing our team games in PE, Reception played their first game of dodgeball. The children were split into teams and the rules were explained. The children then had to hit the other team with the ball or they were out. Lots of skills were used, such as team work, avoiding the balls and throwing…
A day of Beatrix Potter, a boat ride and Brockhole
Year 1 enjoyed a fun filled day in Windermere. Our first stop was to visit The World of Beatrix Potter. We explored all the characters and even crept around Mr McGregor’s garden. After this we walked to the boat. We boarded the Swift and enjoyed the ride to Brockhole. At Brockhole we enjoyed our…
Year 5 Visit Egremont Library
Year 5 visited Egremont library today to return their books from a previous visit and choose some new ones. They enjoyed browsing through the various sections to find a book they would enjoy. They read the blurb first to check it was something that would interest them and then checked it out at…
Nursery: Baking Bread
This week in Nursery we tried to bake some bread. The children each took a turn to scoop the bread mixture into a bowl. As they did this the children guessed what we would be making. Their guesses included cookies and cupcakes. They took it in turns to mix and pour some water in the bowl. As they…
PE year 4
Year 4 focused on their balancing skills and evaluating their partners work. They attempted to hold balance positions for 3 seconds.
Year 4 Sewing
Over the last few weeks, Year 4 have been extremely busy sewing. They have investigated a variety of fastenings such as press studs, buttons and velcro. They have refined their skills and created their own fastening for a tea towel using a button. They were all a great success and the children are…
Making Healthy Crisps
Year 2 have been learning about what it means to be healthy. In a previous lesson the children carried out a survey about the favourite crisp flavours of the class. They also learned about how crisps are made and the healthy alternatives that could be used to make them. Today the children used…
Making toast
In Reception we have been learning about time such as using timers and ordering things in a sequence. To end the week we made a numbered sequence of how to make toast in order. The children then followed this and made their own toast, including spreading their own butter and cutting the toast into…
Year 2 are currently working on money during their maths lesson. Today they explored ways to make a pound using a variety of coins.
Year 3 enjoyed the jumble sale
Thanks to everybody’s kind donations, much appreciated. As a result, you raised £680 for new football kits. It was amazing. Year 3 enjoyed browsing the jumble and took home some great bargains.
Year 5 Visit Lowry Exhibition At The Beacon
Year 5 were very excited to visit the Beacon this morning to see their work on display. Last term they took part in a workshop in school and created a diorama of Lowry’s painting ‘The Mill Scene’. This is now part of the exhibition which has Lowry paintings on loan from Salford Art Museum. We…
Team games in Reception
In Reception we have been learning how to play team games in PE. The children were split into two teams with one team turning the cones one way and the other team having to turn them back. We then counted up how many each team had at the end and one team was the winner! We learnt how to play as a…