‘My Voice Matters’ Year 1 make worry dolls
As part of our learning during Children’s Mental Health Week Year 1 made their own worry dolls. The theme of Mental Health Week was ‘My Voice Matters’. We shared together that all our feelings matter. We role played how to share our worries and to talk to our friends and trusted adults. We created…
How we have changed
In Maths we have been learning about time and how time can be measured. We talked about the order of the day and how we sequence time and how things change. We then looked at the changes in ourselves over time and how we are very different to when we were a baby. Some of the children brought in…
‘How does your garden and its creatures grow?’
This week in Nursery we started our topic “How does your garden and its creatures grow?”
We looked at different Spring pictures and began to change our tree in the Small World from a Winter tree into a Spring tree. The children all created some handprint mini beasts to go with the tree.
Speed Spell
Year 6 have been learning some tricky homophones. Today they worked in pairs to ‘Speed Spell’ the words they have been studying.
What is Shabbat?
Year 2 have been learning about the Jewish day of rest called Shabbat. They found out about how Jews prepare for Shabbat each week and what happens during Shabbat. The children tasted bread that is very similar to Challah bread and used their senses to write poems relating to what Jews would…
Year 3 investigate: Which is the strongest magnet?
Year 3 discovered magnetic and non-magnetic materials as they studied non-contact forces. They planned an investigation to determine which magnet was the strongest and used paper clips to test them out.
Year 4 Gymnastics
Year 4 reviewed their gymnastics skills today. They focused on:
- travelling (hopping, skipping and leaping)
- jumping (pencil, straddle and star)
- rolling (rock, teddy bear, pencil and forward roll)
- balancing (front support, back support, arabesque, shoulder stand and bridge)
Children’s Mental Health Week 2024 in Year 2
This year’s theme for Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘My Voice Matters’. The children in Year 2 have been reflecting on what matters of them in their immediate world and the wider world. The. children thought deeply about this and represented what matters most to…
Celebrating pancake day in Reception
To celebrate pancake day Reception joined up with Nursery to make and eat some pancakes. We had toppings of strawberries, syrup, chocolate spread, marshmallows and bananas. Back in our class, we learnt that pancake day is also called Shove Tuesday and that it makes the beginning of Lent.
Learning about Chinese New Year
In Reception we were learning about Chinese New Year and that the symbol of the dragon was lucky. The children made their own moving dragons using a join fold. We learnt that if we were born in 2018 we were the year of the dog and if we were born in 2019 we were the year of the pig. We also learnt…
Building on our gymnastics skills in Reception
In Reception this half term we have been building on our gymnastics skills. We have learnt how to do a tuck, pencil and straddle hold and how to do a tuck, teddy and forward roll. We then moved on to learning how to do a pencil, twist and star jump and finished the half term with different ways to…
How Strong is a Piece of Spaghetti?
As part of their Design and Technology, Year 6 have been learning about how structures are strengthened and stabilised using a guyed mast and flying buttress. They then used their knowledge to design and create their own structure using spaghetti and marshmallows. They had to consider…