Creating Great Waves in Year 2
In Art and Design Year 2 have been looking at the artwork of the artist and illustrator, Beth Krommes. They explored her artwork in the book ‘Swirl by Swirl’ by Joyce Sidman. The children recognised many different types of marks in her artwork. They used a mixture of these marks to create their…
Reception Visit Church
Reception class enjoyed visiting our parish church of St. Mary’s. They took part in a role play to explore the different parts of Baptism. They dressed the baby in a white baptismal gown and went through the stages of Baptism. Reception enjoyed their visit to church and finding out more about…
Egremont Castle 2024
As part of our history topic about our local area, Year 6 visited Egremont Castle. After our picninc lunch, we explored the area finding all aspects about the castle that we have been learning about in class e.g. motte and bailey, The Horn of Egremont.
Florence Mine 2024
As part of our local history topic, Year 6 walked to their local iron ore mine to learn more about the influence of mining in their locality. They noticed how ‘red’ parts of the area is and recalled the ‘red men of Cumbria’. During our visit, we saw and handled some real authentic objects from…
Nursery: Self Portraits
This week some of our children have enjoyed looking in the mirror and then using different loose materials to create their very own self portrait.
Van Gogh Sunflowers In Y5
Year 5 have been studying the artist Van Gogh and drew their own versions of his famous ‘Sunflowers’ painting. They sketched it out 1st then created vibrant colours using oil pastels. The end results were really effective!
Van Gogh Sunflowers In Y5
Year 5 have been studying the artist Van Gogh and drew their own versions of his famous ‘Sunflowers’ painting. They sketched it out 1st then created vibrant colours using oil pastels. The end results were really effective!
School Council Campaign and Voting in Y 5
Our Year 5 candidates all campaigned hard to win votes to be elected for the school council. They said they would be good listeners and take requests from the children to School Council meetings in order to help improve our school. It was a close result but congratulations to Kyden and Daisy for…
School Council Elections Y6 2024
Year 6 placed their votes before supervising the other classes as they came to place their votes.
Electricity Workshop Y6 2024
Year 6 enjoyed enhancing their knowledge about electricity during their workshop from Electricity Northwest. They got involved in lots of practical activities and tested their own own theories about electricity.
Gardening In Year 5
Year 5 are working with Mia from Cumbria Rivers Trust to make our new garden area. This week they have been busy moving all the wood chip.They all got stuck in and enjoyed the physical activity of digging, scooping, moving loads.
Year 4 Haiku Performances
Year 4 have been writing their own haikus this week. We have edited and then performed them to the class, using intonation, emphasis and expression.