Year 3 Vote for School Councillors
After hearing some very thoughtful manifestos, we narrowed down our Year 3 candidates with a vote. Children placed their ballot papers in a sealed box to elect 2 School Councillors from our class.
A massive congratulations to Paige-Louise and Ivy who won the vote and will represent Year 3 as…
Exploring mixing colours in Reception
Our Reception children have been exploring colours this week and learning how to make new ones. They chose two colours and mixed them together to make another colour. We also learnt how to wash our brushes too after painting with one colour and before choosing another one.
Nursery: Goldilocks and the Three Bears
This week in Nursery we have been exploring the story of ‘Goldilocks and the Three Little Bears’
We have been making the three bears using different clothing puzzle pieces. We loved changing their outfits!
Class Council Elections Year One
This week we had a visit to St Bridget’s very own polling station. Year One enjoyed voting for their choice of school council candidate and posting their vote in the ballot box. School councillors were announced in assembly. Well done to our new councillors, Jack and Ernie.
Year One Exploring Mark Making
Year One have had great fun in exploring mark making in our art lessons. We have been learning how to make a variety of marks using different mediums, exploring how they appear on different textures. We were very happy and proud of our finished artwork.
Year 2 Explore Bible Stories
In R.E. Year 2 have been learning about the Holy Bible and how it is made of two parts and 73 books. The children found out many more facts about the Bible before they used an online Children’s Bible to read stories they know and explore some new stories too.
School Council Elections in Year 2 2024
Year 2 have been voting for the two members of the class they would like to represent them in the School Council during this academic year. Every child casted their votes and cannot wait to find out the result of the ballot to see who the School Councillors will be.
Nursery: Baking Gingerbread Men
Last week in Nursery we read the story ‘The Gingerbread Man’ then we had a go at baking our very own. Luckily ours didn’t run away!
Gymnastics in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning how to do counter balances in gymnastics. They had to keep their bodies taut and lean away from each other whilst remaining in contact by means of a grip. We think they did really well!
Reception Class - Shape Hunting
In Reception, we have been learning about 2D shapes. Today, we put our new learning to the test with a shape hunt around the classroom and outdoor area. We discovered we are surrounded by lots of shapes!
Making Mixtures and Solutions in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning about mixtures and solutions in science. They discovered that when a mixture chemically combines it becomes a solution. They found out that when salt and water are mixed together they become a solution but oil and water didn’t. They used the terms solute, solvent and…
Year 3 Map and Compass Reading
Year 3 have been using their map reading skills and knowledge of the compass to move around the playground using cardinal and inter-cardinal points.