Image of Y4 Egyptian workshop at Tullie House
19 November 2018

Y4 Egyptian workshop at Tullie House

We learnt all about mummification, Egyptian Gods, hieroglyphics and life by the Nile on our trip to Tullie House today. We took part in a ‘weighing of the heart ceremony’ to see if our prepared mummy Tutantullie had lead a good enough life to pass into the afterlife. The children were very well…

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Image of Phunky Fit with Year 1
19 November 2018

Phunky Fit with Year 1

This week in Phunky Fit club the Year 1 children made an alternative breakfast called Get Up and Go Smoothies. They found out all the different ingredients and why they are good for our bodies.



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Image of 3D shape in year 1
16 November 2018

3D shape in year 1

Year 1 have been learning about 3D shape this week.  We have identified the names and properties. Then we became shape detectives and hunted down hidden 3D shapes in class. To finish our week we made shapes from spaghetti and marshmallows. 


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Image of Year 2 Computing
16 November 2018

Year 2 Computing

Year 2 really enjoyed using 2PaintaPicture to create their very own Superhero Logos today. What an artistic talent we have in Year 2! 


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Image of Year 1 Pudsey Visit
16 November 2018

Year 1 Pudsey Visit

Year 1 thoroughly enjoyed a visit from Pudsey Bear yesterday.

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Image of Year 2 Library Visit
16 November 2018

Year 2 Library Visit

Year 2 visited Egremont Library today. They enjoyed looking at all the different types of books there are. They all chose a book to withdraw using thier library card.Happy reading! 


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Image of Pudsey bear visiting Nursery
16 November 2018

Pudsey bear visiting Nursery

Pudsey Bear came to visit our Nursery on our Children in Need day. The children wore their own clothes and donated a £1 towards Children in Need. The children loved seeing Pudsey, although some were a little bit scared to have their photo with him! The children were very excited when they saw this…

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Image of A visit from Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

A visit from Pudsey Bear

Reception were extremely excited to be visited by Pudsey Bear today. They asked many questions about who Pudsey Bear is and what he does. They spent some of the morning finding out about BBC Children in Need and how the money helps children who are less fortunate than…

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Image of Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed meeting Pudey Bear this afternoon. He was a lot taller than they expected! 


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Image of Year 3 Meet Pudsey!
15 November 2018

Year 3 Meet Pudsey!


Today Year 3 were absolutely thrilled to meet Pudsey Bear!  We all enjoyed a good cuddle.  Year 3 spent the afternoon researching what ‘Children in Need’ means and how it helps children around the UK.  


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Image of Y6 Children in Need
15 November 2018

Y6 Children in Need

You’re never too old to meet Pudsey Bear!

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Image of Y4 meet Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

Y4 meet Pudsey Bear

Year 4 enjoyed meeting Pudsey Bear today for ‘Children in Need’. We had non uniform day to help raise money and made £182 as a school. Thank you everyone for your generous donations!

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