Y1 Computing
Year 1 have been working hard at being able to log on independently using their usernames and passwords. Today’s session definitely showed how well they are progressing at this. We enjoyed playing maths games on Purple Mash. Remember to log on to TT Rockstars at…
Year 1 Library Visit
Today Year 1 enjoyed a trip to Egremont Library. We enjoyed choosing our own books and sharing them with friends. To finish off our session we listened to The Gruffalo story from one of the story sacks which even had some of the characters inside to play with.…
Practising our understanding of place value with a game
We come to the end of our place value work and use our knowledge in a basketball game!
Making a crafty Grandparent surprise
We were very busy this afternoon, making our Grandparents a colourful card to show how much we love and appreciate them. Each petal had a special quality that we love about them. Happy Grandparents day for October 6th.
Reception multi-skills
Reception enjoyed a multi-skills session with Dan during their P.E. lesson this week. They practiced chasing, balancing and changing direction.
Year 3 do mile a day
Year 3 test their endurance with mile a day challenge!
Year 2 T T Rockstars
What an amazing turnout of costumes for the launch of T T Rockstars. Year 2 had great fun taking part in rock star dances and playing their air guitars. They even had time to log on to the app during a computing session. I wonder who will be the ‘most improved’ and ‘most practised’ each…
Y5 TTRockstars
We all had a great time dressing up as rockstars and practising our x tables on TT Rock Stars!
Nursery and Reception learning about Crab Fair
Nursery and Reception have been learning about Crab Fair. We made some apple cakes in Nursery. Then the children went to Reception where champion gurner, Claire Spedding Lister came in to teach the children how to gurn. They all had a turn at gurning if they wanted to using the horse shoe. We all…
Year 1 TT Rockstars
Wow what a cool bunch of Rockstars strutted into Year 1 today! We have enjoyed an awesome morning learning how to log on to TT Rockstars with some wonderful help from Year 6. Remember to check the reading records for the passwords to play at home.
Crab Fair Gurning in KS2
We were thrilled to be joined by Claire who is the current reigning Women’s Gurning Champion. Many of our KS2 children gave her some serious competition on the yard today though......
Nursery and Reception learning about Crab Fair
Nursery and Reception have been learning about Crab Fair. We made some apple cakes using Crab apples in Nursery. Then the children went to Reception and we had champion gurner, Claire Spedding Lister come in to teach the children how to gurn. They all had a turn at gurning if they wanted to using…