Image of Year 3 Triple Jump Training
10 May 2019

Year 3 Triple Jump Training

Year 3 enjoyed learning the skills needed for the Triple Jump.  It was great fun seeing how we could improve our jumping distance. 

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Image of Emerging butterflies
8 May 2019

Emerging butterflies

After nearly four weeks of waiting, the first butterflies emerged from their cocoons today. The children were full of awe and wonder at what they saw. They can’t wait for the rest of the butterflies to emerge over the coming days.


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Image of Fiddadle Whole School Show
3 May 2019

Fiddadle Whole School Show

We all enjoyed Fiddadle’s performance in school. They impressed us by playing many instruments, riding a unicycle whilst playing the violin and blowing into the didgeridoo! Some of us got to play the instruments and we all had the opportunity to sing and dance along. 

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Image of Y4 Circuits
3 May 2019

Y4 Circuits

As part of Y4’s topic on electricity the children learnt how to wire up a circuit to make the bulb light up. They discovered that if the circuit wasn’t complete it wouldn’t work. They also practised drawing circuits using all the correct scientific symbols. 

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Image of Nursery in the provision
3 May 2019

Nursery in the provision

We have welcomed some new starters to our Nursery after the Easter holidays and our current Nursery have been helping them to settle in. They have been showing them how to play with our provision and how to be a  kind and helpful friend. 


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Image of Y6 Outdoor Revision!
3 May 2019

Y6 Outdoor Revision!

Who said SATs revision had to be boring? Y6 showed off all their hard work and knowledge this afternoon as they gravitated the yard with chalk. 

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Image of Y4 Celts
1 May 2019

Y4 Celts

Y4 have been learning about Celtic homes. This involved researching, brainstorming, sharing information and report writing. They learnt that they were built on a hill so they could see enemies coming and were surrounded by spiked fences for protection. They were intrigued to discover that the…

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Image of Y4 Athletics
1 May 2019

Y4 Athletics

Year 4 enjoyed learning how to do the Triple Jump in athletics today. We all agreed it was harder than it looked but we all managed to improve how far we jumped during the lesson.


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Image of A morning at the farm
26 April 2019

A morning at the farm

Reception went to visit Strudda Farm to learn about the different animals on the farm and where our food comes from. The children used their senses to explore different grains and foods before using them to make cow sandwiches. They went in the trailer to see them being fed to the cows in the…

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Image of Easter Gardens
26 April 2019

Easter Gardens

Following on from our work on the Easter story the children designed their own Easter Prayer Gardens. They researched different styles and how they could help others to reflect. The children created their Easter Prayer Gardens at home. Thank you for the wonderful effort they put in. We absolutely…

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Image of Year 3 Athletics
24 April 2019

Year 3 Athletics

Year 3 enjoyed a fun athletics session with Dan this afternoon.  They enjoyed learning about how to improve their racing start.  It was lots of fun playing the different games and races. 

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Image of Nursery’s Easter bonnet parade
18 April 2019

Nursery’s Easter bonnet parade

Nursery had an Easter bonnet parade where they sang some Easter songs and wore their Easter hats they had made at home. They all looked fantastic! We then paraded around school with the rest of the school coming out of their classes to cheer and clap the children. Thank you to everyone who came to…

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