Year 4 Gymnastics
Year 4 having been learning how to jump safely during gymnastics. They experiemented with making different shapes.
School council election
There was a lot of interest in this year’s school council election. The children interested told the class why they would be a good Year 2 representative on the school council. The vote was very close with Isaac and Pearl being the two winning representatives. Their classmates have full faith in…
Reception’s first week
Reception have settled beautifully into their new class. On their first full week they have taken part in lots of fun activities. We have been looking at our local area, in particular, Hartleys ice-cream shop.
Some of our activities included; dough disco, ice-cream making, jelly tray, ice…
Nursery stick insects
Nursery have been looking the the Stick insects in class and putting new leaves and water in for them. We now have 6 baby stick insects!
Y3 Eat well plates
Y3 have been learning about healthy eating during Phunky Foods and making their own ‘Eat Eat Well’ plates.
Y5 active maths
Year 5 have been enjoying some Active Maths. They had to find the answers to questions, on numbers to a million, placed around the classroom.
Nursery's first week
Nursery have been super busy during their first week back at school. They have enjoyed the new Nursery classroom and all the areas of provision. The children have settled well and we look forward to a lovely fun filled half term.
Practical maths
Year 2 have been working on representing numbers up to 100. They used a range of equipment to make given numbers using tens and ones.
Year 3 have a fantastic first day!
Welcome back to our hard working year 3 children, who made a great start to the Autumn term. We also welcome Miss Lawson who supports our Year 3 children. Please look out for the Year 3 newsletter that will follow soon!
Year One’s First Day
Year One have enjoyed a fantastic first day in their new classroom.
School Games 2019
A fantastic day at the School Games 2019. We were lucky enough to qualify again in hockey and tri- golf!