Image of Year 2 Harbour Trail
25 June 2019

Year 2 Harbour Trail

Year 2 enjoyed learning all about the history of their local harbour side (Whitehaven) and how it links to other parts of the world. Ask them who John Paul Jones is.

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Image of Y4 Electricity workshop colouring competition
25 June 2019

Y4 Electricity workshop colouring competition

Congratulations to Jensen and Lucy who won an ‘Electrical Safety’ colouring competition!


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Image of Nursery using the Beebots
25 June 2019

Nursery using the Beebots

Some of our Nursery children had the opportunity to use the Beebots last week in our carpet session. They had to listen to the instructions and move the Beebot on the map. This promoted the use of positional language, which we have been practising in Nursery. 


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Image of Reception Art and Craft Club
25 June 2019

Reception Art and Craft Club

The Reception made dancing snakes in art and craft club this week. They designed and cut out their snakes then moved them in the air to dance to some music.


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Image of Y4 static electricity
21 June 2019

Y4 static electricity

Y4 have enjoyed finding out about static electricity.

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Image of Nursery exploring sea creatures
21 June 2019

Nursery exploring sea creatures

Nursery had the chance to explore fish and an octopus in class this week, after learning about sea animals and creatures. They got to touch them and talk about what they felt like and also look at all their features, such as their eyes and mouth. Most of the children really enjoyed looking at them…

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Image of Y6 Jobs in the Community Event
20 June 2019

Y6 Jobs in the Community Event

Y6 were invited to Lakes College, Lilyhall, to learn about the variety of jobs and careers available in our local area. They thoroughly enjoyed their morning, trying their hand at many activities including: biscuit icing, hairdressing, policing and virtual reality gaming!


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Image of Y6 Library Visit
20 June 2019

Y6 Library Visit

Y6 enjoyed a peaceful, afternoon at the library today. Despite almost being ready to leave us for Secondary school, it proved that you’re never too old to enjoy listening to a good story!

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Image of Year 2 Dance Extravaganza
20 June 2019

Year 2 Dance Extravaganza

What a great time was had by all at the Dance Extravaganza this afternoon. They all danced beautifully!


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Image of Halving shapes
19 June 2019

Halving shapes

In Maths this week Reception have been learning about halving shapes. They investigated how they could halve some basic 2D shapes using their scissors to cut them. They were surprised to find that some shapes could be halved in more than one way.


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Image of Year 2 Sunset Silhouettes
18 June 2019

Year 2 Sunset Silhouettes

Year 2 enjoyed making Sunset Sihouettes as part of their topic on Africa. 

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Image of Phunky Fit with Year 1
18 June 2019

Phunky Fit with Year 1

This week at Phunky Fit club we made a fruit salad. We enjoyed tasting different fruits then chose our favourites to put in our own fruit salad. We learned how to use the knives safely to cut each fruit.


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