Interactive learning in history
Today Year 2 used the iPads to complete an interactive quiz about the facts they’ve learnt about the Great Fire of London. They instantly saw the results on the large interactive screen and were extremely pleased with how many questions they got right. Well done Year 2!
Construction club 16.09.19
Year 1 and 2 children made models of their favourite things during this week’s construction club. They worked well together and helped each other improve their models.
Year 4 Digestive System
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed making a working model of the human digestive system. Ask them how they did it!
Year 1 Mile a Day
Year One enjoyed taking part in Mile a Day today and even Mrs Stead joined in. Lots of fun keeping fit and active.
TTR Stars ⭐️
We are working really hard to boost our scores and climb the TTR status ladder. Soon we will be times tables super stars!
Y3 had a great time this afternoon, learning new hockey skills. Passing and stopping the ball with great accuracy.
Making sense of numbers
Using base 10, our place value chart, games and team work; children gained a much better understanding of the value of digits within 3 digit numbers.
Science - Rock study
The children have been learning about the different types of natural and man-made rocks. They used their rocks that they had brought in for homework, to identify what type of rock they were (sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic) and make some detailed drawings using their magnifying…
Y3&4 Phunky Foods
Y3 & 4 learnt about healthy food swaps in Phunky Foods then came up with lots of great suggestions of their own!
Y5 library visit 17.9.19
Y5 enjoyed choosing and reading new books today at Egremont Library.
This half term we are learning how to refine some of the gymnastics moves we learned last year in preparation for a competition later in the year. Today we focused on jumping and using this to mount the apparatus correctly.
Y5 Viking butter
Year 5 enjoyed making Viking butter today by shaking cream until it turned into butter. They learnt that Vikings would have done this in a butter churn and it was one of the many ways they preserved food.