Image of Phunky Fruit Kebabs
15 October 2019

Phunky Fruit Kebabs

Y3 and Y4 enjoyed an afternoon making healthy fruit kebabs. They have been learning about ways to keep our bodies healthy and ways we can make sensible snack swaps.

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Image of Year 4 Gymnastics 2
14 October 2019

Year 4 Gymnastics 2

Year 4 were using all the skills they have learnt so far to improve and refine then put into a sequence. 


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Image of Year 4 Gymnastics 1
14 October 2019

Year 4 Gymnastics 1

This morning, Year 4 were experimenting with making shapes and improving their balance on the apparatus. They all identified that they needed to use their core strength. 


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Image of Y5 Viking Trip
13 October 2019

Y5 Viking Trip

Y5 had a great day on their Anglo-Saxons and Viking Trip. They learnt how to make ink and quills, how to weave and how to make coins on a furnace. They also learnt how to handle weapons and re-enacted a battle.


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Image of Year 4 Prayer and Liturgy
11 October 2019

Year 4 Prayer and Liturgy

Year 4 have been reflecting on how to pray using the rosary.


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Image of Year 2 Indoor Football Tournament
11 October 2019

Year 2 Indoor Football Tournament

A small team from Year 2 represented the school at a Year 2 indoor football tournament at Whitehaven. The children showed great sportsmanship and worked well together as a team. We are very proud of them!


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Image of Year 4 Library Visit
11 October 2019

Year 4 Library Visit

Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the library this morning. They were very mature, with excellent behaviour. They also took the time to complete the Library comments slip to leave feedback. 

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Image of Y5 Viking Boy Images
10 October 2019

Y5 Viking Boy Images

After reading a paragraph from Viking Boy describing the ‘God Temple’, Y5 drew a pencil sketch showing their interpretation of the description. 

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Image of Y5 Viking Art
10 October 2019

Y5 Viking Art

Year 5 studied different styles of art created in the Viking era and drew their own pencil sketches in a similar style.


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Image of Making Tudor Houses
9 October 2019

Making Tudor Houses

As part of our topic on the Great Fire of London, Year 2 have been learning about what houses were like in 1666. Then they used this knowledge to design and create models of Tudor houses.


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Image of Y3 Pray the Rosary
9 October 2019

Y3 Pray the Rosary

Y3 started October, the month of Mary, with praying the Rosary. We try to say a decade each day!

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Image of Year 3&4 Football Festival
7 October 2019

Year 3&4 Football Festival

Representatives from Y3 & Y4 enjoyed taking part in a Football Festival. Great ball skills and team spirit from all involved. 

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