Autumn activities in Nursery
Some of our Autumn activities in Nursery this week included our fine motor activity of putting elastic bands around mini pumpkins and making Autumn shapes with natural materials. The children have loved using real life materials and we can’t wait for our winter…
Y1 Castles D&T
Year One have enjoyed a productive day creating their own castles. Some of us may have more paint on ourselves than on the castles but we did have fun! The children designed their own to make sure they included key features such as ramparts, towers and of course a portcullis. They are still…
Y5 science
Year 5 carried out an investigation to see if they could separate a mixture of sand, salt and water. They discovered that filtering the mixture separated the sand and evaporation separated the salt and water.
Making a Neolithic home
We really enjoyed making our Neolithic homes today. We brought in bits and bobs from home and collected some in school too. Houses are to be completed after half term.
Year 4 Pray the Rosary
This morning, Year 4 prayed the rosary and reflected on the mystery of The Annunciation. They then labelled a diagram of the Rosary to demonstrate their understanding of how to pray using the rosary.
Art and design
Preparing for winter weather with seasonal artwork. Children created winter silhouettes using oil pastel, paint and black marker pen.
Phunky fruit kebabs
Y3 were creating and tasting healthy fruit kebabs. They took a long time to prepare, but disappeared into stomachs very quickly!
Year 4: Anglo-Saxon Weaving
Year 4 learnt about how the Anglo-Saxons used resources from nature to create textiles and different weaving techniques. They had the opportunity to weave wool to make soft, warm, cushiony pillows.
Year 4 Anglo-Saxons in Battle
Year 4 learnt about the weapons the Anglo-Saxons made and used in battle and the different battle formations they used. Next, they learnt some Anglo-Saxon battle commands and took part in a mock battle.
Year 4: Anglo-Saxon Writing
Year 4 learnt about how the Anglo-Saxons used resources from nature to produce beautiful pieces of text. They also learnt about the use of ‘runes’ and were set the challenge to decipher some Anglo-Saxon text. They then made their own quill and ink and usd these to write a message using the runic…
Year 4: Forging Coins
Year 4 learnt about how coins were made and used in Anglo-Saxon Britain. They were then able to create their own coin designs and forge their own coins.
Year4 Anglo-Saxon Trip
Year 4 visited Woodmatters in Windermere today to learn all about what life was like in Anglo-Saxon Britain in a fun and interactive way. Firstly, we learnt about the changing Kingdoms of Britain as different groups of peoples invaded and settled in Britain.