Image of Science - Rock study
17 September 2019

Science - Rock study

The children have been learning about the different types of natural and man-made rocks. They used their rocks that they had brought in for homework, to identify what type of rock they were (sedimentary, igneous or metamorphic) and make some detailed drawings using their magnifying…

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Image of Y3&4 Phunky Foods
17 September 2019

Y3&4 Phunky Foods

Y3 & 4 learnt about healthy food swaps in Phunky Foods then came up with lots of great suggestions of their own!

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Image of Y5 library visit 17.9.19
17 September 2019

Y5 library visit 17.9.19

Y5 enjoyed choosing and reading new books today at Egremont Library.



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Image of Gymnastics
16 September 2019


This half term we are learning how to refine some of the gymnastics moves we learned last year in preparation for a competition later in the year. Today we focused on jumping and using this to mount the apparatus correctly.


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Image of Y5 Viking butter
16 September 2019

Y5 Viking butter

Year 5 enjoyed making Viking butter today by shaking cream until it turned into butter. They learnt that Vikings would have done this in a butter churn and it was one of the many ways they preserved food. 


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Image of Year 4 Gymnastics
16 September 2019

Year 4 Gymnastics

Year 4 having been learning how to jump safely during gymnastics. They experiemented with making different shapes.

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Image of School council election
15 September 2019

School council election

There was a lot of interest in this year’s school council election. The children interested told the class why they would be a good Year 2 representative on the school council. The vote was very close with Isaac and Pearl being the two winning representatives. Their classmates have full faith in…

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Image of Reception’s first week
13 September 2019

Reception’s first week

Reception have settled beautifully into their new class. On their first full week they have taken part in lots of fun activities. We have been looking at our local area, in particular, Hartleys ice-cream shop.

Some of our activities included; dough disco, ice-cream making, jelly tray, ice…

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Image of Nursery stick insects
13 September 2019

Nursery stick insects

Nursery have been looking the the Stick insects in class and putting new leaves and water in for them. We now have 6 baby stick insects!


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Image of Y5 Place Value Game
12 September 2019

Y5 Place Value Game

Y5 enjoying a place value maths game!



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Image of Y3 Eat well plates
11 September 2019

Y3 Eat well plates

Y3 have been learning about healthy eating during Phunky Foods and making their own ‘Eat Eat Well’ plates.

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Image of Y5 active maths
11 September 2019

Y5 active maths

Year 5 have been enjoying some Active Maths. They had to find the answers to questions, on numbers to a million, placed around the classroom.

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