Image of Anti-Bullying Day Y4
15 November 2019

Anti-Bullying Day Y4

As part of Anti-Bullying Day, Year 4 explored internet safety and cyber bullying. They used Purple Mash to help them design and create an information leaflet about how to stay safe online.

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Image of Year 2 library visit
15 November 2019

Year 2 library visit

Year 2 enjoyed a visit to Egremont library today. They had a good browse through before choosing a book to take home. The session ended with a story read by Miss McKendrey.


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Image of Y1 Anti-Bullying Day
15 November 2019

Y1 Anti-Bullying Day

Year One have had a wonderful day showing kindness to one another.  In the afternoon we made kindness hearts for our friends and families.  We especially enjoying delivering them around school. 

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Image of PE Festival 2019
15 November 2019

PE Festival 2019

We all had a great time at the PE muti-skills festival. We enjoyed trying out lots of new games.

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Image of Y5 anti-bullying day 2019
15 November 2019

Y5 anti-bullying day 2019

Y5 dressed up in blue to show they are against bullying. We had a fun afternoon playing games with our friends, decorating biscuits in blue and creating a graffiti wall with reminders of how to prevent bullying.

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Image of Y4 Badminton Club
14 November 2019

Y4 Badminton Club

Y4 had a great time at Badminton Club learning lots of new skills needed for the game!

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Image of Choir
14 November 2019


After school junior choir was rocking tonight with a playlist ranging from Queen to Stormzy!  We enjoyed some fun vocal warmups and simply having a great time together.  Mrs Robson and Miss Deans look forward to seeing you all next week and if anyone else wants to join please come…

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Image of Year 4 Science Investigation
13 November 2019

Year 4 Science Investigation

As part of their science topic on teeth, Year 4 planned and carried out an investigation to find out how different drinks affect our teeth. Can you guess which drinks we tested? 


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Image of Building Neolithic homes
13 November 2019

Building Neolithic homes

Year 3 completed their Neolithic homes today. We had a great time using stones, sticks and leaves collected from home and school. We have studied what homes were made from during different periods across Palaeolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic timescales. 


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Image of Remembrance Day 2019
11 November 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

Today Year 2 represented the school at the Remembrance Day service at Egremont War Memorial with the class beacon’s presenting the class wreath at the memorial. They spent some time reflecting on their work on the First World War and remembering the soldiers who had died in the war during prayer…

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Image of Gymnastics in Y3
11 November 2019

Gymnastics in Y3

Year 3 are very flexible and agile. They took part in a variety of athletic jumps from apparatus. They explored controlled, elegant landings. 

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Image of High-5 Festival
8 November 2019

High-5 Festival

The Netball Club took part in a High-5 festival alongside local Primary Schools this morning. What great team spirit they all demonstrated! 

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