Year 2 Indoor Football Tournament
A small team from Year 2 represented the school at a Year 2 indoor football tournament at Whitehaven. The children showed great sportsmanship and worked well together as a team. We are very proud of them!
Year 4 Library Visit
Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the library this morning. They were very mature, with excellent behaviour. They also took the time to complete the Library comments slip to leave feedback.
Y5 Viking Boy Images
After reading a paragraph from Viking Boy describing the ‘God Temple’, Y5 drew a pencil sketch showing their interpretation of the description.
Y5 Viking Art
Year 5 studied different styles of art created in the Viking era and drew their own pencil sketches in a similar style.
Making Tudor Houses
As part of our topic on the Great Fire of London, Year 2 have been learning about what houses were like in 1666. Then they used this knowledge to design and create models of Tudor houses.
Y3 Pray the Rosary
Y3 started October, the month of Mary, with praying the Rosary. We try to say a decade each day!
Year 3&4 Football Festival
Representatives from Y3 & Y4 enjoyed taking part in a Football Festival. Great ball skills and team spirit from all involved.
Y6 Library Visit
Year 6 spent a morning at the library on Friday. They chose some lovely books to book out and enjoy reading at home and also enjoyed listening to a chapter of their current class novel: Street Child.
School Council Meeting 4/10/19
Our newly elected school Council met for the first time this year. Ventures discussed were: healthy tuck-shop ideas and possible fundraising events. Thank you to Matty and Lola for recording the minutes.
Year 1 Carlisle Castle
Year 1 have had a fantastic trip to Carlisle Castle. We enjoyed seeing all the features we have learnt about in our History topic in real life. We also loved learning some gruesome facts! We learnt about who lived in Castles and the clothes they wore. Year 1 behaved excellently and this was…
Y6 Aspiration Session
Y6 enjoyed a morning with representatives from the Cumbria Primary Business partnership who came in to deliver a series of workshops about different jobs and career paths available in Cumbria.
Nursery making gingerbread men and ladies
Nursery have been reading the story of the gingerbread man and acting it out with puppets. We then made our own gingerbread men and ladies and decorated them after they had been baked in the oven. This time though they had no time to run away as they were eaten by the children! Yum!