Year 3 develop ball skills
We enjoyed learning and developing our skills in netball and ⚽️ today. It was fun and we worked well as a team!
Y5 dance 21.1.20
Y5’s dance theme this half term is Vikings. This week they thought about how the sea might have moved as the Viking’s were crossing over to England. They brain stormed for words like rolling, swirling etc. then came up with movements to show this. We saw lots of skills they had learnt in…
Y1 Maths
Today we enjoyed working in partners developing our understanding of ‘Tens and Ones’. We encouraged each other to self check our answers and check for clear digits.
Bubble painting
Our Nursery children had lots of fun this week creating bubble paintings. They had to blow through a straw into a mixture of paint and washing up liquid to make the colourful pictures. Look at the wonderful bubble pictures they made!
Investigating the force of friction
We really enjoyed investigating which surface caused the greatest friction on the wheels of our car. We elevated our ramp to see how much friction was created on different surfaces. Carpet is soft, thick and bumpy so we predicted that this would cause most friction. We were right!
Y5 Prayer &Liturgy
Our theme for Prayer and Liturgy this week was ‘Friendship’. Our leaders chose a reading from John 15: 15 and made paper hearts to remind us to show love to one
kS2 Change 4Life
KS2 learnt fun ways to get exercise at the Change 4 Life Festival.
Y6 Multi-skills
The cold January weather didn’t stop Y6 enjoying an energetic Multi-skills session outside with Dan. They have been working on attacking and invading ball games and learning how to defend.
Y5 Mountains
Y5 launched their ‘Mountains topic’ by making concept maps. They wrote what they already know about mountains then did some research and added facts.⛰
Word detectives
Year 2 have been word detectives today. They have been learning to use dictionaries to help them improve their spelling when writing. They had great fun finding given words then transferring them into their personal dictionaries.
Year 3 and 4 Athletics Festival
Our Year 3 and 4 children were excellent role models at the Whitehaven Athletics Festival today. We were very proud of their behaviour and their athletic performance. We await the results, but either way, we had a great time. Thanks to Mr Stead for joining us today.
Year 4 Tree Planting
School Councillors from Year 4 were invited to a tree planting ceremony with members of the town council to plant a commemorative apple tree and were treated to refreshments afterwards at the DeLucy Centre.