Squash Y4
Year 4 had their last session at Winscale Squash Club this morning. They have all made a fabulous progress and had lots of fun whilst keeping fit and learning new skills.
Mile A Day Y4
Keeping fit in year 4 by running a mile in the autumn sunshine.
Maths in Reception
This week Reception have been doing some super Maths work. They have been making 2 digit numbers, counting objects such as counters and dinosaurs and even practising their number formation.
Nursery’s dinosaur week
Nursery have been learning about dinosaurs this week. We read some dinosaur stories, danced like a dinosaur, made collage dinosaurs and even dinosaur fossils. Roar!
Y5 Viking Shields
Y5 have researched, designed and made Viking Shields.
Y4 Badminton Festival
Y4 enjoyed playing lots of games to improve their skills at the Badminton Festival today.
Year 4 Adoration
Year 4 visited church today to say a Prayer of Adoration and for some quiet reflection.
Year 1 Year of the Eucharist
Year One enjoyed visiting Church this morning to celebrate the end of ‘The Year of the Eucharist’. We said a prayer and quietly reflected. Well done Year One for being so respectful.
Y3 Adoration to end the Year of the Eucharist
Year 3 said prayers of adoration and prayed silently for their own intentions. The Year of the Eucharist ends today.
Y6 Magistrates Court Visit
As part of their Crime and Punishment topic our Y6 children were invited to Workington Magistrates Court to find out more about how our justice system works. They took part in a mock court case, stood in the witness box and even visited the cells under the court. We were lucky to host Charlotte…
Year 4 Maths
Year 4 have been working collaboratively, using different strategies to help them with their calculations.
The Roman Senhouse Museum
We had a wonderful day and a superb start to our new topic about the Romans. We took part in treasure hunting, food tasting, role play, dressing up and clay sculpture. We learnt so much about Romans in our local area.