Year 4 Whinlatter Forest Trip 2020
What a wonderful day Year 4 had at Whinlatter Forest! We learnt lots about mountain environments as we walked around in the fresh air investigating our local environment.
We have had lots of fun going on shape treasure hunts. We then made shapes out of pasta and marshmallows - it was a sticky, tricky business but we really enjoyed it and we learnt all the shape names. We even tried to make a circle from the pasta but soon realised the pasta needed to be soft to…
Year 2 Maths
Today Year 2 have been using counters to make arrays to help them in their understanding of multiplication.
Y1 Make e-books
Over the past few weeks Year 1 have been using their computing lessons to create their own e-books. The children have created their own images, animated them and added sounds. Along with this they have added text to accompany their stories. All this has been created using Purple Mash the…
Y1 Number Bonds
Today we worked number bonds to 10. We supported our learning by using Numicon to self check our calculations. Some groups also used Play-Doh to explore all the possible number bonds combinations to 10. We then enjoyed using our understanding to extend to number bonds to 20.…
Year 4 Cockermouth Mountain Rescue
What a fabulous morning Year 4 had at Cockermouth Mountain Rescue. We learnt lots about what an important job the Mountain Rescue Team, including Bess the Sheepdog, do to keep us safe whilst enjoying our local mountains (fells). A huge thank you to Derek and Tom who made us feel very welcome and…
Super Spanish Speaking
We really enjoyed learning how to count and ask people how they are in Spanish. We had some paired conversations in Spanish too!
Fancy footwork in football ⚽️ today
We had great fun practising our footwork in football today!
Workshop from the West Cumbria Rivers Trust
As part of our Science work on living things and their habitats, Cathy from the West Cumbria Rivers Trust came in and did a workshop about the living things that are found in rivers. The children learned facts about different animals that live in and along our rivers. We played games to find out…
Y1 Self-Portraits
This afternoon we learnt about the techniques involved in creating a self-portrait. We used photos of ourselves to allow us to focus on our features. Some of the self-portraits still need finishing touches but what a fantastic effort from…
Senior Citizens’ Lunch
We were absolutely thrilled to welcome members of our parish and community to our annual “Senior Citizens Lunch.” Our special guests were treated to fish and chips served by our fabulous Y6 waiters and waitresses, cake and custard for dessert and a performance from the school choir. A truly lovely…
The Gruffalo
We have had lots of fun learning about the Julia Donaldson stories. We looked at the Gruffalo and made some Gruffalo crumble. Some of us thought it was delicious, some of us didn’t like it at all! We acted out the rhyme about the big bad mouse too!