Image of Reception visit church
1 February 2019

Reception visit church

As part of our work on celebrations in R.E., Reception went to church to find artefacts that are used as part of a celebration. They found the different features in the church very interesting and found out some facts about them too.


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Image of Nursery’s Bear masks
1 February 2019

Nursery’s Bear masks

After reading the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ this week, the children made some bear masks in the provision. Some were very friendly bears, but some were scary!!


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Image of Year 2 Reporters
1 February 2019

Year 2 Reporters

Year 2 have spent the week doing lots of activities around the Traditional Tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ . Today they wrote their own newspaper report about what really happened. 


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Image of Egremont library visit
1 February 2019

Egremont library visit

We enjoyed choosing new books at Egremont library.


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Image of Is it waterproof?
31 January 2019

Is it waterproof?

Year 1 had a great time today testing to see if different materials were waterproof.  We dropped water onto each material and discovered which absorbed the water the quickest and which was waterproof. 


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Image of Year 3 Computing
31 January 2019

Year 3 Computing


Today Year 3 enjoyed using Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation on ‘The History of Maps’.  We learnt to insert slides, alter the background design, insert slide transitions and use custom animations to create different visual effects.  

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Image of Nursery’s fun in snow!
30 January 2019

Nursery’s fun in snow!

Nursery had fun in the snow making snowmen, having snowball fights and making their own snow angels. They also turned the mud kitchen into a snow kitchen! We had lots of fun and when we came inside we warmed up with a hot chocolate. 


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Image of Library bus
30 January 2019

Library bus

We enjoyed choosing our new reading books on the library bus.

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Image of Cyclewise 2019
30 January 2019

Cyclewise 2019

Year 5 began their safe cycling training on Monday. Following the confidence checks on the playground; children went out on the road. The weather did not beat them on Tuesday but it did on Wednesday!

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Image of Year 3 Library Visit
29 January 2019

Year 3 Library Visit

Year 3 had a lovely trip to Egremont Library today, despite a rainy walk there. We enjoyed browsing, discussing together and choosing books to borrow. Then we had a great time reading our new books and showing our friends. Please remember to return these books to the library, along with any that…

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Image of Y3 Gymnastics
29 January 2019

Y3 Gymnastics

Year 3 have been working really hard in our gymnastics sessions. We have been learning to create sequences and to do backwards rolls. We have been trying hard to keep our bodies stretched and in nice strong lines.

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Image of Let’s dance!
28 January 2019

Let’s dance!

This half term Reception are working on learning some basic dance moves. Today’s lesson had some challenging combinations in them but this did not stop the children from trying their best throughout.


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