Science Engineering Week Y6 2025
For Science Engineers Week, Year 6 with tasked with solving the problem of how Jack (from the fairytale Jack and the Beanstalk) could safely get the golden egg from the top of the beanstalk to the bottom. They were all given a set of resources and planned how they would build a contraption that…
Bowling Final Y5/6
Year 5 and 6 representatives had a great time at the Bowling final at Carlisle. They all got to practice their bowling skills again and enjoyed taking part.
Girl Can Festival 2025
Today, girls from Year 5 and 6 participated in the "Girls Can Festival," an event designed to inspire girls to explore a variety of sports. They had a great time learning new skills in football, athletics, dance, judo, and kicky rounders. We hope this experience will motivate them to continue…
STEM Science Assembly Y6 2025
Y6 joined a STEM Science assembly about Tech for Space. They learned lots about space travel and exploration and the technology equated to make this possible. They found out about all the different types of engineering jobs that involve designing and making the technology that enables humans to…
Biggest Eve Football Session Y6 & Reception
As part of the #letgirlsplay Biggest Ever Football Session (a campaign to give girls equal an equal to football), Year 6 girls paired with girls from Reception to teach them some essential penalty taking skills. Who knew how much football talent there is amongst our girls!
World Book Day Y6 2025
For World Book Day 2025, Y6 dressed up as a character from a book or came to school wearing their pyjamas. In the morning, we joined a nationwide quiz run by the Literacy Trust. Lots of footballers from different clubs joined in by sharing their love of reading and posing a question for us all to…
World Book Day Share a Book YR & Y6
This afternoon, Reception shared a book with Y6. There was lots giggles and laughter as they enjoyed the story and the illustrations. A great way to end World Book Day.
Reception World Book Day
Today the Reception children had the pleasure of sharing a book with the Year 6 children. They’ve all thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon, sharing stories and lots of giggles.
Career’s Fair Y6 2025
Year 6 attended a Career’s Fair organised by Primary Business Partnership and delivered by Centre for Leadership Performance in association with OneAIM and Sellafield Ltd SiX. Throughout the afternoon, they visited many stalls where they learned about the different industries in their locality. It…
Year 5 and 6 Attend Mass
Today, Year 5 and 6 went to mass at St. Mary’s Church. In one of the Bible readings, we learned how wonderful it is to find a friend who is faithful to us, and that having such a friend is like finding a treasure that we should cherish. We also learned from the gospel reading that to enter the…
Dream Jobs Y6 2025
Bill from the STEM team joined us this afternoon to open our minds about the multitude possibilities that are available to us after we leave education. We thought about what jobs we currently would like to do as an adult, the most dangerous jobs and the jobs our parents would want us to do. We…
Safer Internet Week Y6 2025
As part of Safe Internet Week, Year 6 have been looking at the age classifications for games and social media. We learned about the purpose of age classifications and how they are put in place to keep us safe. We discussed the various types of content that is appropriate for different age groups…