Month of the Rosary Y6 2024
This month is the Month of the Rosary. Each day Year 6 have been leading prayers through the mysteries. Through each decade we meditated and reflected on the life of Jesus and Mary and thought about how we can live out our lives in the light of Jesus Christ. Some of us brought our own rosaries…
Ten Pin Bowling Competition
This week, a group of Year 5 and 6 students participated in a Ten Pin Bowling competition at Hollywood Bowl in Carlisle. They all had an amazing time, and we are thrilled to announce that one of our teams came 1st place! Also a huge congratulations to Ryker for achieving an impressive 113 points,…
Football Tournament Y5/6
Representatives from Y5and 6 attended a football tournament yesterday. They practiced skills then enjoyed playing some matches. They all worked well as a team and exemplified the School Games Values.
Netball Tournament
Congratulations to Y5/6 children who took part in a netball tournament today. They all practiced the skills they have been learning and enjoyed playing some matches.
Luke Murphy Award Assembly 2024
To celebrate Saint Luke’s Day on Friday, we held our annual assembly in honour of our governor, Luke Murphy. Luke made significant contributions to our school, particularly through his passion for sports, as he consistently supported all our tournaments. Each year, we present the Luke Murphy…
Year 5/6 Rugby Tournament
Congratulations to Year 5/6 pupils who represented our school at a rugby tournament today. They achieved the School Games value of determination after winning every game.
World Mental Health Day Y6 2024
As part of World Mental Health Day 2024, Year 6 discussed the different ways that life can make us feel overwhelmed and lead to “BURNOUT.” We the reflected on the different ways we can look after our mental health during these times. We talked about the things we can do to help makes us calm down…
Football Training Year 6 2024
This term Year 6 have received football coaching with professional footballer Stuart Green. They have carried out various drills to practice key skills with ball control and played matches where they have applied these skills.
Year 6 Celebrate the Feast of St Francis of Assisi 2024
As part of the feast day of St Francis of Assisi, Year 6 read the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi ‘ Make me a channel of your peace’ We talked about what the words mean to us and then listened to the hymn of the same name and reflected on the message of St Francis of Assisi. We then considered the…
Egremont Castle 2024
As part of our history topic about our local area, Year 6 visited Egremont Castle. After our picninc lunch, we explored the area finding all aspects about the castle that we have been learning about in class e.g. motte and bailey, The Horn of Egremont.
Florence Mine 2024
As part of our local history topic, Year 6 walked to their local iron ore mine to learn more about the influence of mining in their locality. They noticed how ‘red’ parts of the area is and recalled the ‘red men of Cumbria’. During our visit, we saw and handled some real authentic objects from…
School Council Elections Y6 2024
Year 6 placed their votes before supervising the other classes as they came to place their votes.