Year 3 Growing and babies
Year 3 have been thinking about growing up, babies and parents. They played a matching game to match the baby animals to their parents. They discussed what all babies need from their parents, whether they are animals or humans. The children reflected on their own growth journey and how they still…
Moving for Mental Health Awareness Week 2024
This year’s Mental Health Awareness Week theme is movement. Year 2 have been finding out that movement is good for not just our bodies but our mental health too. They were split into teams and took part in relays by moving like different animals. They walked like a bear, a crab, an elephant, a…
Summer Term 2024 Beacons
We are delighted to introduce our class Beacons for the Summer Term. Congratulations to all the children who have been chosen as shining examples of our school values.
Recovery Position in Year 5
In PSHE Y5 learnt that if they find someone unconscious but breathing they should be placed in the recovery position in order to keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. They all practiced doing this incase of an emergency. They also…
Recovery Position in Year 5
In PSHE Y5 learnt that if they find someone unconscious but breathing they should be placed in the recovery position in order to keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. They all practiced doing this incase of an emergency. They also…
Recovery Position in Year 5
In PSHE Y5 learnt that if they find someone unconscious but breathing they should be placed in the recovery position in order to keep their airway clear and open. It also ensures that any vomit or fluid won't cause them to choke. They all practiced doing this incase of an emergency. They also…
Year 3 enjoyed the jumble sale
Thanks to everybody’s kind donations, much appreciated. As a result, you raised £680 for new football kits. It was amazing. Year 3 enjoyed browsing the jumble and took home some great bargains.
Reception’s worry worms
As it is Children’s Mental Health week, we have been talking about our worries. The children were introduced to some worry worms and told that if we held the worm and tell them our worries, we can talk through the worry and make it go away. Some children were worried about nightmares they had had…
Number Day in Year 3
Year 3 had a great day, looked fantastic in non-uniform and raised money for the NSPCC. During Number Day today we did a Maths Challenge, played games and tested out estimates for how many activities we can do in 1 minute. Shuttles, burpees, lunges, squats, jumps and star jumps.
They were…
Looking after our mind and body
As well as learning how to keep our body healthy, Reception have also been learning how to keep their mind healthy. We talked about how it was good to have a couple of minutes of peace with some relaxing music on and to think of your favourite things in your mind. It was the quietest the class has…
Odd Socks Day 2023 in Year 2
Today the Year 2 children supported Odd Socks Day by coming to school in odd socks to express themselves and celebrate their individuality and what makes them unique. What a positive start it was to Anti Bullying Week!
Odd Socks Day Y4 2023
To mark the start of Anti-Bullying week, we took part in ‘Odd Socks Day’. We wore odd socks to school as a symbol of uniqueness and to promote acceptance of diversity. We talked about embracing our individuality and celebrating our differences and agreed that it’s okay to be different. We then…