Odd Sock Day 2024 in Year 2
As part of Anti-Bullying Week the children came to school dressed in odd socks to celebrate their individuality and to stand up to bullying and discrimination. All the children were proud of the socks they wore and had great fun looking at the different combinations worn by others.
Odd Sock Day to Support Anti-Bullying
Today we wore odd socks to show that it’s ok to be different and to stand up against bullying and discrimination. We also learnt how online bullying can be different to bullying in the physical world but both have mental and emotional impact on a persons health.
Year 3 Anti-bullying week 2024
Year 3 marked Anti-bullying week this week by wearing odd socks to show that we are all different and unique…. and that is ok.
This year’s theme was respect, we talked about respect and what bullying is. We talked about the many different types of bullying; cyber, verbal and physical.
Year 3 Anti-bullying week 2024
Year 3 carried out online-awareness activities about cyber bullying as they created posters to share how to be safe online.
They also found a friendship bear hiding on top of the whiteboard! He sent them a special message. We did lots of fun activities that week.
Remembrance Day in Y6 2024
This morning we observed two minutes of silence in remembrance of those who lost their lives in the two world wars.
Year 3 Geography Fieldwork and Litter Pick
Year 3 went into Egremont today to identify the human and physical features. They found lots more human than physical features and decided that they expected that because it was a town.
Whilst looking for these features, they did a good litter pick. They brought back 2 bags full. Well done Year…
Year 3 celebrated World Mental health day 2024
Looking fabulous in yellow, Year 3 marked World Mental Health Day by giving money to support the charity. They danced, coloured in mindfully and celebrated how wonderful they are by writing about their own qualities and attributes.
Children learnt about mental health and what it means to look…
World Mental Health Day 2024 in Year 1
Today Year 1 celebrated World Mental Health Day. Year 1 shared photos of activities they enjoy doing at home to make them feel good. They shared that not everyone will enjoy the same activities and that’s ok. In class they created some mental health cards to take home to give to special people.…
World Mental Health Day 2024 in Year 2
Year 2 celebrated World Mental Health Day by dressing in yellow or their own clothes. Our representatives from the Well-being group requested that everyone take part in a brain break to allow them to regain focus and energy for their work. They did this by taking part in Sonic themed physical…
World Mental Health Day in Y5
Today we remembered the importance of mental health on World Mental Health Day. We thought about how we can improve our own mental health by doing things like asking for help if we need it, getting enough sleep, eating a varied diet, balancing online and offline activities, doing exercise and…
School Council Campaign and Voting in Y 5
Our Year 5 candidates all campaigned hard to win votes to be elected for the school council. They said they would be good listeners and take requests from the children to School Council meetings in order to help improve our school. It was a close result but congratulations to Kyden and Daisy for…
Gardening In Year 5
Year 5 are working with Mia from Cumbria Rivers Trust to make our new garden area. This week they have been busy moving all the wood chip.They all got stuck in and enjoyed the physical activity of digging, scooping, moving loads.