Year 3 Treat Afternoon
Well done Year 3, for wonderful singing, behaviour and reverence in mass last week. Mrs Stead brought in chocolates. They watched part of a movie, ate popcorn and had an afternoon playtime to reward the wonderful impression that they left with our RE Inspectors. They said that all of our children…
Career’s Fair Y6 2025
Year 6 attended a Career’s Fair organised by Primary Business Partnership and delivered by Centre for Leadership Performance in association with OneAIM and Sellafield Ltd SiX. Throughout the afternoon, they visited many stalls where they learned about the different industries in their locality. It…
Dream Jobs Y6 2025
Bill from the STEM team joined us this afternoon to open our minds about the multitude possibilities that are available to us after we leave education. We thought about what jobs we currently would like to do as an adult, the most dangerous jobs and the jobs our parents would want us to do. We…
Year 5 Mental Health Week 2025
This week has been Children’s Mental Health Week, and the theme this year was "Know Yourself, Grow Yourself." To get to know ourselves better, we reflected on things like what we’re good at, what makes us unique, what helps us feel comfortable with our emotions, and who we love to spend time with.…
Children’s Mental Health Week 2025 Year 4
The theme of this year’s Children’s Mental Health Week is ‘Know Yourself;Grow Yourself’ so in Year 4 we have spent this week focusing on Growth Mindset. We know that mistakes help us to improve, we must always try new strategies and that we will get there in the end. We have all created our own,…
Year 3 Children’s Mental Health Week 2025
Following the theme of ‘Know yourself, Grow yourself’, we have been talking about our inner feelings and the Growth Mindset. We decided as a class that we would try to be happier, quieter and drink more water. This would help us to grow in a healthy mind and body.
We have been carrying out…
Year 3 Reindeer Run 2024
We really enjoyed our sponsored reindeer run this morning. We wore antlers from the Children’s Hospice and brought money to support the charity.
Well done Year 3.
Infants Using the New Playground Equipment
The Infant children have had great fun at playtime this morning using the new playground equipment. It was lovely to see them all sharing, taking turns and having lots of fun with their friends.
Infants Using the New Playground Equipment
The Infant children have had great fun at playtime this morning using the new playground equipment. It was lovely to see them all sharing, taking turns and having lots of fun with their friends.
Y2 Anti Bullying Week
Year 2 have been thinking about what bullying is and how it feels for the person who is bullying. They looked at some scenarios of people being bullied online and thought about how they would feel if it was them and who they would turn out for support. The children wrote and drew pictures of the…
Odd Socks Day Y6 2024
Year 6 wore odd socks to school today as a way to celebrate individuality and to make a stand against discrimination and bullying. Year 6 have also been learning about what to do if they encounter online bullying and about the negative impact this has on mental health and emotional…
Year 2 Friendship Disco 2024
Year 2 had a wonderful time at the Friendship Disco dancing and chatting with their friends from Reception,Year 1 and Year 2. They had thoroughly earned their drink and snack halfway through before continuing to dance to the end.