Football Tournament Y5/6
Representatives from Y5and 6 attended a football tournament yesterday. They practiced skills then enjoyed playing some matches. They all worked well as a team and exemplified the School Games Values.
Netball Tournament
Congratulations to Y5/6 children who took part in a netball tournament today. They all practiced the skills they have been learning and enjoyed playing some matches.
School Games Values
At St. Bridget’s, we hold the school games values of honesty, teamwork, passion, respect, self-belief, determination, and eco-friendliness in high regard. Over the past few weeks in our PE lessons, these children have truly exemplified these values.
Year 5/6 Rugby Tournament
Congratulations to Year 5/6 pupils who represented our school at a rugby tournament today. They achieved the School Games value of determination after winning every game.
Well-being Group take part in Sport and Well-being Gala
On Thursday 26th September our Well-being Group attended a Sport and Well-being Gala held by Brilliant Cumbria. They travelled to Workington RLFC where they took part in various different sporting activities like wrestling, softball, crazy catch, running and lots more!
The children’s behaviour…
Football Training Year 6 2024
This term Year 6 have received football coaching with professional footballer Stuart Green. They have carried out various drills to practice key skills with ball control and played matches where they have applied these skills.
Reception PE
Reception class really enjoyed their PE session this week. They practised keeping the balloon off the ground, this involved teamwork and some children got really creative and used different body parts to keep their balloon off the floor. Fun was had by all!
Sports Councillors 2024
Meet our new Sports Councillors for 2024 voted in by Y5. Their job is to attend School Council meetings and discuss how we can improve sports in our school. Their first tasks are to find out what sports equipment the children would like for playtimes so we can update it, what after school clubs…
Year 2 Learn to Skip
In Multiskills Year 2 have been working on performing different types of jumps. As part of this, they have been learning to skip with a skipping rope. They showed great determination to try and master this with some children succeeding. It was a jumping success!
Gymnastics in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning how to do counter balances in gymnastics. They had to keep their bodies taut and lean away from each other whilst remaining in contact by means of a grip. We think they did really well!
First Multiskills Session of the School Year 2024
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first Multiskills session with their new coach Liam. The session focused on changing speed and direction. The children showed determination and passion to complete all the activities to their best ability and had great fun while doing so.
PE Fun with the Parachute
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed their PE session today with the parachute and lots of sunshine.