Wheelchair Basketball Y6 2025
Year 6 had a fabulous time experiencing Wheelchair Basketball today. They had to use many skills and coordinate these in a different way in order to navigate the wheelchair and play the game.
Year 3 dancers
Our Year 3 children have been perfecting their animal dances. They had some great moves. The Sports Values were shown and recognised in Cameron, Ella, Adalyn and Mia.
Nursery: Obstacle Courses
This week in Nursery we have been putting our maths prepositional skills into practise by building an obstacle course. The children placed planks on the tyres to balance and climb on. I modelled language like “on, up, over and under” to the children as they made their way along the different parts…
Year 1 and Year 2 Multiskills Event January 2025
Some of our Year 1 and 2 children represented us at a Multiskills event at Whitehaven Academy yesterday. They took part in a variety of activities. They behaved impeccably and showed all the values of school games. We are immensely proud of them all.
Year 1 and Year 2 Multiskills Event January 2025
Some of our Year 1 and 2 children represented us at a Multiskills event at Whitehaven Academy yesterday. They took part in a variety of activities. They behaved impeccably and showed all the values of school games. We are immensely proud of them all.
Multi-skills Tournament KS2
Today, KS2 representatives participated in a Multi-Skills Tournament at St. Bees School and secured 2nd place! The children demonstrated their abilities in throwing, catching, striking, kicking, coordination, running, and jumping. They all worked together as a team to achieve this great…
Using Space in PE
Year 2 have been working on how to manoeuvre within a space safely and be aware of those around them. The children are growing in confidence when dribbling and passing a ball, in a space, to each other using their feet. They cannot wait to use their honed skills in future lessons to participate in…
Swimming in Year 5
Year 5 had an amazing week at Copeland Pool, where they worked on enhancing their swimming skills. As the week went on, their confidence and stamina noticeably improved. They also had great fun participating in 'noodle' races, playing sharks, and diving down to retrieve items from the bottom of…
Year 3 Sports values
Cameron, Ivy and Mollie have been showing excellent Sports values; respect, determination, teamwork, resilience and responsibility. During dance, Miss Mason awarded them with stickers for showing specific qualities. Well done
Cricket Coaching Y6 2025
Year 6 have been perfecting their cricket skills of batting and bowling then putting it into practice during a match.
Football coach in Reception
This half term, Reception have a football coach each week. This week we have been learning how to control a ball using little kicks and how to pass it to a member of our team. Great start Reception!
Year 2 Cricket Skills Session 2025
Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed their first cricket session of the term with Matthew. They worked on improving their throwing and catching of the ball before learning how to hold the cricket bat to strike the ball. The session ended with the children working in small groups to hit the stumps with the…