Reception obstacle course session
Reception were delighted to have Mrs Grealish join us from St Benedict’s to teach a PE session involving obstacle courses. The children learnt how to balanced, co-ordinate their movements and agility. They had a great time and even practised their skills of waiting patiently and turn taking. Thank…
School Games Basketball Event
Year 5 and 6 representatives attended a SchoolGames basket balls event at Whitehaven School. They learnt lots of skills then enjoyed putting these into practice playing some games against the other schools.
Year 3 basketball 2024
Year 3 enjoyed practising their basketball skills in PE this week. They were brilliant!
Year 3/4 Multi- Skills Tournament
Today representatives from Years 3 and 4 attended a School Games Multi- Skills tournament. They all completed a round robin of activities to help develop such skills as reaction, balance, co-ordination, throwing , catching and timing. They all had a great time and are keen to carry on practicing…
Basket Ball Tournament
Year 5 and 6 representatives enjoyed a morning of basket ball at Whitehaven Academy. They learnt lots of skills then put these into practice while playing matches against other schools.
Infants Using the New Playground Equipment
The Infant children have had great fun at playtime this morning using the new playground equipment. It was lovely to see them all sharing, taking turns and having lots of fun with their friends.
Infants Using the New Playground Equipment
The Infant children have had great fun at playtime this morning using the new playground equipment. It was lovely to see them all sharing, taking turns and having lots of fun with their friends.
Year 5 XC Fitness Challenge 2023
Today Year 5 attended a XC fitness challenge at St. Benedict’s school. They ran a 2km course and we’re all timed. An average time will be taken from this. In June we will return and run the course again aiming to improve our average time. All the children did incredibly well in the muddy…
Year One Yoga Zen Den
Yoga Zen Den
Year One enjoyed our very own yoga zen den in our PE lesson this week. We learnt lots of new yoga pose stretches and breathing exercises. We also practised some brain break activities to help us to relax and be mindful.
Play Leaders Training
Today our School Games Officer came into school to train us how to be Play Leaders. We learnt what leadership qualities are and played some games to see if we could demonstrate these. We then worked together in small groups to devise a game we could play with younger children. We all came up with…
Ten Pin Bowling Competition
This week, a group of Year 5 and 6 students participated in a Ten Pin Bowling competition at Hollywood Bowl in Carlisle. They all had an amazing time, and we are thrilled to announce that one of our teams came 1st place! Also a huge congratulations to Ryker for achieving an impressive 113 points,…
Year 3 show Sports Values
Well done to Ella, Ivy and Belle for showing wonderful sports values in gymnastics