Year 4 Dance
This week we have started our Spring 2 half term with dance in PE. We worked in pairs to create routines to the count of 8. We included steps, spins and turns to build our routines. We then performed our steps for the class to see.
Year 4 Swimming 2025
Year 4 have been super swimmers this week! We have seen such wonderful resilience, team work and effort and all of the children should be very proud of themselves. The swim coaches even chose three swimmers of the week
Year 1 Gymnastics
Year 1 have enjoyed their sessions with our fantastic gymnastics coach Natalie. They have learned many different stretches, balances, jumps and landings. They have all showed determination and enthusiasm in their learning.
Cyclewise Year 5 2025
Last week, Year 5 participated in bikeability cycle training. They started by learning to control and master their bikes on the playground before moving on to the roads, where they practiced dealing with traffic and performing various safe maneuvers. Everyone enjoyed the experience, and now we…
Athletics Tournament
Year 5 and 6 representatives took part in an athletics tournament yesterday, where they engaged in a round robin of activities. They completed various events including chest pass, triple jump, long jump, vertical jump, javelin, relay, and speed jumping. Everyone had a great time participating and…
Year 5/6 Multi- Skills Tournament
Y5 and 6 representatives had a wonderful time at the Multi Skills Tournament. They enjoyed activities like table tennis, hula hooping, and trampolining. Everyone displayed fantastic teamwork and had fun trying out new sports!
Reindeer Run Certificates and Medals Y6 2025
- A huge well done to everyone in Y6 who participated in the Reindeer Run to raise money for children who need extra support.
Year 4 Wheelchair Basketball
This week we absolutely loved our experience playing Wheelchair Basketball! We honed our skills of teamwork, throwing and catching, whilst also trying to manoeuvre the wheelchairs (with some speed too!) across the court.
Year 3 Wheelchair Basketball
Year 3 had great fun manoeuvring the wheelchairs, throwing and scoring today. It was much trickier than it looked. They did a great job and the games were highly competitive. An amazing experience.
Year 2 Wheelchair Basketball Session 2025
Year 2 enjoyed taking part in a wheelchair basketball session. The session began with them learning how to manoeuvre their wheelchairs so they could play a short game. The children were very competitive and worked well as a team to score points in the opposition’s net. What a wonderful experience…
Reception wheelchair basketball 2024
Reception enjoyed a wheelchair basketball session, learning how to move the chairs, go backwards and forwards and move around the hall. They even had a turn at using a ball to shoot it into a net. They had lots of fun when they learnt how they could move faster by using their hands on the wheels.
Wheel Chair Basket Ball Year 5
Year 5 had a blast with wheelchair basketball today! They started with a game of tag to get the hang of it and then moved on to competitive basketball matches. The instructor was impressed by how quickly they picked it up and how well they worked together as a team.