Y1 Marvellous Mathematicians
In maths we have been learning to use comparison signs. We made our own less than, greater than and equal to signs. We used cubes to represent our numbers and pencils to help us find the correct comparison sign. We love to make our maths with equipment before we draw or write them down. It really…
Taking away in Reception
In Maths we have been learning how to take away. The children have used the bus game, where you put a number of people on the bus and then take them away at each bus stop. They then wrote take away calculations and used the bus and people to work out the answers. Super Maths Reception!
Rocking & Rolling
Year 4 have been ‘rocking and rolling’ numbers live with Baz each morning. We even got a shout out!
Drawing Pictograms in Year 2
Year 2 are learning about statistics in their maths lessons. Today they went outside the front of the school to observe traffic and pedestrians passing by. They showed this information in pictograms, drawing one shape for each vehicle or person that they saw.
Division Strategies in Y4
Year 4 have been learning about different strategies to use to carry out diving calculations. Today they chose use a strategy of their choice.
Ladybird Maths
In Maths we have been learning about how to find different ways to make numbers. We made different numbers with objects, dots and using dominoes. The children then made their own ladybirds and added a number of dots to each one.
Y1 Maths Week
Year 1 enjoyed exploring maths in practical ways. We created our own part whole models. We enjoyed playing skittles and using it to help learn number bonds to 10. We used the large P.E. dots to group in 2’s we then recorded counting in 2’s on the whiteboards. We counted in 2’s aloud as we jumped…
Maths week in Reception
For Maths week Reception played lots of games with dice. We used a games sheet and added our own counters and characters to play the game and matched our dice to dominoes. Maths in Reception is lots of fun!
Maths Week 2021
We have all had a busy week carrying out lots of different maths activities. We have taken part in a maths treasure hunt, played lots of fun maths games and represented numbers using bar models, part whole models, place value charts and place value counters. We also took part in a national times…
TT Rockstars Launch in Year 2
Today is World Multiplication Tables Day. Year 2 celebrated with the launch of TT Rockstars. The children created their rockstar avatar then enjoyed playing the game to work on their 2, 5 and 10 times tables. They are using their knowledge of counting in twos, fives and tens to do this. They…
Position and direction in Year 2
Year 2 started a new maths unit today on position and direction. Today they were using the positional words left, right, backwards and forwards. They had great fun giving instructions to their partners to move around the playground.
Maths Wizards
We have started our new phase of learning in Maths. We have enjoyed sharing out raisins and our role play food fairly. We loved working out odds and evens by sharing cubes and other resources into two groups and seeing if there was one left over, which means it’s an odd number. Our problem…