Number Day in Year 1
Year 1 enjoyed celebrating Number Day to help raise money for the NSPCC. We had great fun playing Snakes and Ladders with Year 6. We learnt to take turns and count the steps we rolled with the dice. We will definitely play more games together as it was such a success.
Year One Maths
Year One have been having great fun using the frames to represent numbers and support their Maths work. We love working practically in Maths.
Exploring Shape
Year 2 are currently learning about 2D shapes. Today they have been exploring how to use a ruler to draw shapes then they spent some time exploring how to make shapes using a geoboard on the iPads. They had great fun seeing how many different representations of shapes they could make.
5 currant buns
When learning about 1 less in Maths in Reception, the children were learning songs such as 5 currant buns. They made the buns in the play dough and put the cherries on top. They then sang the rhyme together saying what number was 1 less as they took a bun away.
Nursery Maths: Numbers 1-5
This week in Nursery we have been practicing our numbers 1-5.
We waited patiently and took it in turns to roll the dice, recognise the number and pick the correct number of bears out of the pot. All of the children were able to recognise the numbers on the dice and count out the bears that they…
Nursery Maths: Shapes
This week in Nursery we have been identifying and sorting shapes. We have been focusing on squares, triangles and circles.
We have also learnt that some shapes have straight sides like a square and a triangle and other shapes are round like a circle.
Times Tables Tips
Year 4 have been learning about how to use their fingers to help find out multiples of 9.
Number hunting
In Reception we have been learning how to find, subitise and represent numbers. We went on a number hunt around school, looking for any numbers we could find. The children found them on the big yard, on classroom doors, on the lockers, clocks and the door codes. At the end the children could then…
Year 5 Investigate Square and Cube Numbers
Year 5 have been investigating square and cube numbers. Using counters to investigate square numbers they found which numbers it was possible to make a complete square with. They found that 1, 4, 9, 16, 25,36,49 are square numbers up to 50. They soon realised that if you multiply a whole number by…
Y1 Part-Whole Models
In maths year 1 have been learning how to use Part-Whole Models. Today we explored creating these practically with our partners. Partner 1 added the parts using counters. Partner 2 added the parts together and wrote the whole. Both partners self checked and then swapped around. Great work.
Y6 Maths Whizzers!
Y6 have been working so hard on Maths Whizz this half-term. We are consistently seeing most of the class entering the Hall of Fame for making excellent progress and improving their maths age week on week. These children have excelled particularly and have been rewarded with being the certificate…
Problem solving in Reception
In Reception we have been learning how to problem solve including problems such as what material will build the longest bridge, which animals will not make the boat sink and how to build Mr Gumpy’s motor car. The children read the story, ‘Mr Gumpy’s motor car’ and planned and built it outside…