Number counting in Reception
This week we have been busy in the provision learning to count during our play. We have been focussing on recognising numbers and representing them and learning that anything can be counted. We have been making sure that we count one to one to get to the correct number of objects. Super Maths…
Reception Class - We’re Going on a Bear Hunt
Reception Class have been on their very own Bear Hunt today. We repeated phrases from the story e.g.: ‘What a beautiful day! We’re not scared!’
We discussed the vocabulary: over, under and through and sequenced the events from the story. Most importantly we discovered the Bear hiding in his…
Repeating Patterns - fruit kebabs
This week Reception Class have enjoyed learning about repeating patterns. To complete the week and consolidate their learning, they made fruit kebabs using their own repeating patterns. The best part was eating them at the end!
Reception Class - Shape Hunting
In Reception, we have been learning about 2D shapes. Today, we put our new learning to the test with a shape hunt around the classroom and outdoor area. We discovered we are surrounded by lots of shapes!
Year 4 Maths Flexible Partitioning 2024
In Year 4 this week the children have been master mathematicians, flexibly partitioning different numbers. We have been using base ten and place value counters to create different ways of partitioning numbers up to 10,000…and challenging each other to create as many combinations as…
Number bonds to 10 in Reception
Reception have been recapping on all our Maths learning from this year. One area we have particularly focused on this term is number bonds to 10. The children created their own number bonds using cards, including using the add and equals sign. Great Mathematicians in Reception!
Making Tally Marks July 2024
Year 2 started work on statistics in maths. The first lesson was looking at how to use tally marks to show different numbers in data collected. The children found it much easier to count when they grouped the marks in fives. Soon they will be able to use them to record their own findings in a…
Small world structures
In Maths this week we have been continuing our work on positional language and giving directions. The children made their own small world structure and added people and animals. They then sat on either side of the structure, picked a character and told their partner where it was using positional…
Active Maths Time
Year 2 began their work on time with an active maths lesson to recap o’clock and half past times. They had great fun moving around the playground in different ways and stopping to make given times on their individual clocks. What a great start it was to their work on time!
Nursery: Maths Patterns
We have had lots of fun so far this week using the multi link cubes to make an AB repeating pattern.
At first some of the cubes were a bit tricky to click together but we got the hang of it in the end.
Year 3 maths 14.06.24
Year 3 have been studying shapes, both 2D and 3D,. They have been learning the names and properties of the 3D shapes. They built their own 3D shapes with cubes, counting faces, vertices and edges.
Repeating patterns in Reception
In Maths we have been learning about repeating patterns and if you make it a repeating pattern it has to have a rule. This included using two, three or four colours to create an AB, AABB or ABC pattern. The children were great at making the pattern repeat many times and added more colours as a…