Image of Y1 Paddington Day
21 May 2021

Y1 Paddington Day

Today we enjoyed a special Paddington Day.  We have been reading and enjoying the story for a couple of weeks now.  Paddington told us to all bring our bears to meet him.  He had a long journey from Darkest Peru so we made him a marmalade sandwich to revive him.  We found out that Paddington is…

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Image of Y1 Mental Health Awareness Week
14 May 2021

Y1 Mental Health Awareness Week

Mental Health Awareness Week

We all enjoyed wearing green today as part of promoting Mental Health Awareness.  We had lots of fun creating some surprise ‘Take a Break’ packs to send home today.  We talked about what Mental Health means and self help strategies we can use to help ourselves. Year…

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Image of Y1 Investigate Trees
30 April 2021

Y1 Investigate Trees

In science Y1 have been learning about different types of trees.  Deciduous trees lose their leaves but evergreen trees stay green all year round.  We enjoyed investigating at home and when we were out to identify deciduous and evergreen trees.  Enjoy looking at what we have found so far. 

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Image of Y1 Autism Awareness
31 March 2021

Y1 Autism Awareness

Today as part of National Autism Awareness Week 2021 Serena volunteered to tell the class all about Autism.  Serena confidently talked to the class and shared her personal experiences. Serena told the class all about the charity that her family has set up to help support and celebrate Autism in…

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Image of Year 1 Toolbox Talk
26 March 2021

Year 1 Toolbox Talk

Today we were lucky to receive a Toolbox Talk from Steve and Steve who are busy making our wonderful new castle.  They showed us how they use plans that are drawn out to help them organise their work.  They talked about the materials they were using to make the castle and where they come from.…

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Image of Y1 British Science Week
12 March 2021

Y1 British Science Week

Y1 have enjoyed a diverse British Science Week.  The start of the week involved exploring plants and setting up an investigation to answer what they need to grow.  Everyone planted a bean plant and we are busy conducting daily observations to watch their progress.  We also explored the human…

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Image of Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2
9 February 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2

On Tuesday 9th February 2021 Year 2 celebrated Safer Internet Day by exploring this year’s theme: ‘An Internet we can trust in.’ They learned that not everything they see or hear on in the Internet is true. They discovered what a reliable source is and had great fun creating news articles. They…

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Image of Y6 celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021
9 February 2021

Y6 celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021

Today, Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we celebrated the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme was “Together for a better internet". Y6 discussed ways to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people. They also took on the challenge of…

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Image of Y1 Captain Sir Tom Moore Tributes and Prayers
7 February 2021

Y1 Captain Sir Tom Moore Tributes and Prayers

Year 1 talked about the passing of Captain Sir Tom Moore in their daily Zoom lesson. We wanted to pay tribute to this wonderful man.  The children created pictures, prayers and words of thanks to celebrate his life and contribution to our country. 

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Image of School Council Food Bank Donations
16 October 2020

School Council Food Bank Donations

Members of our newly elected School Council were delighted to hand over school’s very generous harvest donations to Andrew from Egremont Food Bank today. Every item will go to support the most vulnerable in our local community and is a charity which we’re very proud to…

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Image of Wasdale Mountain Rescue visit
12 February 2020

Wasdale Mountain Rescue visit

Wasdale Mountain Rescue team visited our school this morning to tell us all bout how they save people in trouble on mountains. They showed us all the equipment they used and amazed us with their stories of rescue operations. 

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Image of Remembrance Day 2019
11 November 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

Today Year 2 represented the school at the Remembrance Day service at Egremont War Memorial with the class beacon’s presenting the class wreath at the memorial. They spent some time reflecting on their work on the First World War and remembering the soldiers who had died in the war during prayer…

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