Year 3 Computing
Today Year 3 enjoyed using Microsoft PowerPoint to create a presentation on ‘The History of Maps’. We learnt to insert slides, alter the background design, insert slide transitions and use custom animations to create different visual effects.
Year2 Computing SP
Year 2 have been using their computing skills to write a diary about the Great Fire of London just like Samuel Pepys did.
Year 3 Belize Photos
Today we were so excited to look at some photographs of the RAF plane Josh travelled to Belize on. We compared it to the planes that we might use to go on holidays; we thought about the simailarities and differences. In Computing we carried on finishing our fact files in Microsoft Word. A big…
Year 3 Computing
Before Christmas Year 3 had a visit from Josh who is a former pupil of St. Bridget’s. He talked to us about his job in the Army and that he would be going to work in Belize. Today in Computing we decided to use the Internet to research the country to find out where it is in the world. We made…
Year 2 Computing
Year 2 enjoyed creating their own artwork in the style of Mondrian using 2Paint a Picture. What budding artists we have in Year 2!
Year 2 Computing
Year 2 really enjoyed using 2PaintaPicture to create their very own Superhero Logos today. What an artistic talent we have in Year 2!
Year 3 Computing
Today Year 3 have enjoyed using Microsoft Word to present their homework poetry. They used Wordart, changed fonts and inserted page borders. We enjoyed sharing our family poems.
Construction Club Moving Monkey
We have had a fantastic time tonight making a moving monkey. We followed 39 instructions to build the monkey and then used a computer to code the movements. We are already looking forward to making a crocodile next week