Image of One Kind Word
27 November 2021

One Kind Word

As part of Anti-Bullying week year one focused on this year’s theme: ‘One Kind Word’. First we explored how the words we use are really important and once said can’t be taken back.  We worked through the impact of word choices in messages that can be sent online.  We explored the slides in the…

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Image of Anti bullying week in Computing
26 November 2021

Anti bullying week in Computing

For anti bullying week Reception looked at examples of how to be kind online on Project Evolve. We then created a class poster of how to be kind online and to others. 

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Image of Anti-Bullying Week 2021 in Year 2
19 November 2021

Anti-Bullying Week 2021 in Year 2

Year 2 have been learning about how we communicate with people online and offline in their computing lessons. As part of their work on the Anti-Bullying Week theme ‘One Kind Word’ the children discussed how it was important to use the words to be kind to others and make them feel good rather than…

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Image of Anti-bullying week work in Y6
19 November 2021

Anti-bullying week work in Y6

Year 6 have been refining their computing skills to create concept maps linked to Anti-bullying week. They produced these fabulous concept maps with ways to be nice to each other online. Great job! 

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Image of Logo in Year 4
24 May 2021

Logo in Year 4

Year 4 are using Logo to learn how to use a text based coding language to control an onscreen turtle to create mathematical patterns. Today they have been learning the common instructions using the Logo programming language to create shapes. 

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Image of Mental Health Awareness Week in Year 2
14 May 2021

Mental Health Awareness Week in Year 2

Year 2 have been reflecting on how they connect with nature and the impact this has on their mental health and well-being. The children had lots of fun using their computing skills to record their thoughts on a green screen video then add a personal photo to illustrate their favourite place to…

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Image of Coding in Y4
12 May 2021

Coding in Y4

Year 4 have completed a course in Coding during their computing lessons. They have been learning new technical vocabulary associated with coding and learning how to put computational thinking into practice. 

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Image of Camera, Lights, Action!
9 May 2021

Camera, Lights, Action!

Over the last few weeks we have been practising story telling and have enjoyed added expression to our voices.  In our Computing lessons, we have already learnt how to take a photograph, but this week, we looked at recording each other in a video. We loved it and became very professional, nodding…

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Image of Y5 Safer Internet Day
12 February 2021

Y5 Safer Internet Day

Year 5 enjoyed joining in the BBC live lesson on Safer Internet Usage. They learnt how the internet is a great source of information but they should always check that what they read is reliable. They made their own newspaper headlines and we all had to guess if they were real or fake. 

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Image of Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2021
10 February 2021

Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2021

Children in Year 3 watched two live lessons and took part in several activities which made them question how far we can trust what we find online. They decided that they couldn’t trust everything they see online and know that certain measures are in place to help them to stay safe whilst online. 

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Image of Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2
9 February 2021

Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2

On Tuesday 9th February 2021 Year 2 celebrated Safer Internet Day by exploring this year’s theme: ‘An Internet we can trust in.’ They learned that not everything they see or hear on in the Internet is true. They discovered what a reliable source is and had great fun creating news articles. They…

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Image of Y6 celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021
9 February 2021

Y6 celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021

Today, Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we celebrated the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme was “Together for a better internet". Y6 discussed ways to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people. They also took on the challenge of…

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