Image of Designing Fireworks
5 February 2021

Designing Fireworks

Year 5 have been reading 'The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ and were asked to design a firework that could help Lila and Lalchand win the competition! I think you’ll agree we have some future pyrotechnicians in the making! 


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Image of Coding pantomime
16 December 2020

Coding pantomime

This afternoon Year 2 had a very special treat. They may not have been able to go to the pantomime but we brought the pantomime and popcorn to them. It was called ‘Al and the Three Bears.’ It was great fun and we learned about about algorithms while watching it too.


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Image of Me and my avatar
11 September 2020

Me and my avatar

Our first computing lesson of the year was on e-Safety. We thought about how our identity is seen online and how we can create an avatar to keep ourselves safe.


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Image of Home learning: Computer art
19 June 2020

Home learning: Computer art

This week in home learning Year 2 learned about the artist Pied Mondrian. They looked at some examples of his artwork and used what they had learned about his style to create their own artwork. The artwork was created using a variety of tools in 2Paint.


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Image of Year 4 Safer Internet Day 2020
11 February 2020

Year 4 Safer Internet Day 2020

Year 4 explored the concept of how to be safe online by revealing only the information that they want to reveal. They then designed and created thier own Avatar to represent their online identity. Can you guess who these Avatars represent? #freetobeme 


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Image of Y1 Make e-books
30 January 2020

Y1 Make e-books

Over the past few weeks Year 1 have been using their computing lessons to create their own e-books. The children have created their own images, animated them and added sounds.  Along with this they have added text to accompany their stories.  All this has been created using Purple Mash the…

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Image of Y1 Computing
27 September 2019

Y1 Computing



Year 1 have been working hard at being able to log on independently using their usernames and passwords.  Today’s session definitely showed how well they are progressing at this.  We enjoyed playing maths games on Purple Mash.  Remember to log on to TT Rockstars at…

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Image of Year 2 T T Rockstars
20 September 2019

Year 2 T T Rockstars

What an amazing turnout of costumes for the launch of T T Rockstars. Year 2 had great fun taking part in rock star dances and playing their air guitars. They even had time to log on to the app during a computing session. I wonder who will be the ‘most improved’ and ‘most practised’ each…

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Image of Interactive learning in history
18 September 2019

Interactive learning in history

Today Year 2 used the iPads to complete an interactive quiz about the facts they’ve learnt about the Great Fire of London. They instantly saw the results on the large interactive screen and were extremely pleased with how many questions they got right. Well done Year 2!


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Image of Year 2 Creatures
10 July 2019

Year 2 Creatures

Year 2 designed their own creatures to appear in their chapter of The Night Zoo series. On Friday they used a Computing programme of their choice to illustrate their creature. 

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Image of Y4 Volcano Animations
28 February 2019

Y4 Volcano Animations

Year 4 have been creating exploding Volcanoes on 2 animate. They had to create a series of slides progressively showing a volcano exploding. They were then able to play an animation of the volcano explosion!

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Image of Maths and Computing
8 February 2019

Maths and Computing

Today the Reception children used their knowledge of position and direction to help them program the BeeBots to travel along an activity mat. They had great fun exploring what BeeBot can do!


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