Mental Health Awareness Week in Year 2
Year 2 have been reflecting on how they connect with nature and the impact this has on their mental health and well-being. The children had lots of fun using their computing skills to record their thoughts on a green screen video then add a personal photo to illustrate their favourite place to…
Coding in Y4
Year 4 have completed a course in Coding during their computing lessons. They have been learning new technical vocabulary associated with coding and learning how to put computational thinking into practice.
Camera, Lights, Action!
Over the last few weeks we have been practising story telling and have enjoyed added expression to our voices. In our Computing lessons, we have already learnt how to take a photograph, but this week, we looked at recording each other in a video. We loved it and became very professional, nodding…
Y5 Safer Internet Day
Year 5 enjoyed joining in the BBC live lesson on Safer Internet Usage. They learnt how the internet is a great source of information but they should always check that what they read is reliable. They made their own newspaper headlines and we all had to guess if they were real or fake.
Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2021
Children in Year 3 watched two live lessons and took part in several activities which made them question how far we can trust what we find online. They decided that they couldn’t trust everything they see online and know that certain measures are in place to help them to stay safe whilst online.
Safer Internet Day 2021 with Year 2
On Tuesday 9th February 2021 Year 2 celebrated Safer Internet Day by exploring this year’s theme: ‘An Internet we can trust in.’ They learned that not everything they see or hear on in the Internet is true. They discovered what a reliable source is and had great fun creating news articles. They…
Y6 celebrate Safer Internet Day 2021
Today, Tuesday, 9 February 2021, we celebrated the 18th edition of Safer Internet Day. This year’s theme was “Together for a better internet". Y6 discussed ways to make the internet a safer and better place for all, and especially for children and young people. They also took on the challenge of…
Designing Fireworks
Year 5 have been reading 'The Firework Maker’s Daughter’ and were asked to design a firework that could help Lila and Lalchand win the competition! I think you’ll agree we have some future pyrotechnicians in the making!
Coding pantomime
This afternoon Year 2 had a very special treat. They may not have been able to go to the pantomime but we brought the pantomime and popcorn to them. It was called ‘Al and the Three Bears.’ It was great fun and we learned about about algorithms while watching it too.
Me and my avatar
Our first computing lesson of the year was on e-Safety. We thought about how our identity is seen online and how we can create an avatar to keep ourselves safe.
Home learning: Computer art
This week in home learning Year 2 learned about the artist Pied Mondrian. They looked at some examples of his artwork and used what they had learned about his style to create their own artwork. The artwork was created using a variety of tools in 2Paint.
Year 4 Safer Internet Day 2020
Year 4 explored the concept of how to be safe online by revealing only the information that they want to reveal. They then designed and created thier own Avatar to represent their online identity. Can you guess who these Avatars represent? #freetobeme