Nursery Computing: Painting bugs
After making our handprint minibeasts some children had a go at using the paint program on Purple Mash to paint and create some more minibeasts and bugs. Some children chose templates to paint while others had a go at painting their bug from scratch.
Safer Internet Week Y6 2025
As part of Safe Internet Week, Year 6 have been looking at the age classifications for games and social media. We learned about the purpose of age classifications and how they are put in place to keep us safe. We discussed the various types of content that is appropriate for different age groups…
Safer Internet Day in Year 4
For Safer Internet Day in Year 4, we have been researching Roblox. We discovered that it is a very popular app in our class with almost all of the children having played it before. We learned about the pros and the cons of the app. We held a class discussion and then made our own information…
Safer Internet Day in Year 5
Year 5 have been learning how to be safer when using YouTube. They discovered lots of ways they can still use while protecting themselves from harmful content. They made posters to share their findings with the rest of the school.
Learning about internet safety in Reception linked to the story Chicken clicking
After reading the story of ‘Chicken Clicking’, the children in Reception drew the chicken and wrote a rule about being safe on the internet. They also did a Dojo task at home, recapping on the story and writing some rules of how to keep safe, including not buying all those…
Safer Internet Day 2025 in Year 2
This year’s theme for Safer internet Day is ‘Too Good to be True? Protecting yourself and Others from Scams Online.’ Year 2 looked at the pros and the cons of playing Minecraft including how they could be scammed when playing it. They learnt about the importance of always seeking the permission of…
Year 3 Safer Internet Day 2025
Year 3 learnt all about scams, phishing and parental controls that are used on Disney Plus.
We discussed the different apps that children use at home and in school and how scams try to take money and personal details from unsuspecting victims. We considered how to keep ourselves safe online, as…
Nursery: Letter formation
This week in Nursery we have had a go at using the paint program on mini mash to practice our letter formation. The children had a go at looking for the first letter of their name before having a go and writing it.
we had lots of fun using the iPad and paint program to practise!
Y2 Spreadsheet Work 2024
Year 2 have been learning how to add images to a spreadsheet and assign a value to each image. They used the images to calculate how much items would cost if bought together.
Y2 Anti Bullying Week
Year 2 have been thinking about what bullying is and how it feels for the person who is bullying. They looked at some scenarios of people being bullied online and thought about how they would feel if it was them and who they would turn out for support. The children wrote and drew pictures of the…
Odd Socks Day Y6 2024
Year 6 wore odd socks to school today as a way to celebrate individuality and to make a stand against discrimination and bullying. Year 6 have also been learning about what to do if they encounter online bullying and about the negative impact this has on mental health and emotional…
Technology in Reception
This week we have had the Beebots out in the provision with the children learning how to give the Beebot instructions to move around the map. This included using vocab such as forward, backwards, right and left. We have also been using the 2simple city on Purplemash to create our own gardens and…