Image of Throwing  and catching
26 January 2023

Throwing and catching

This week we have been practising our throwing and catching skills. To do this we have been learning how to play the game hot potato. We started with a small circle rolling and gently passing the ball to each other. We have practised so much that we were able to play a huge game of hot potato…

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Image of Reading Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter
25 January 2023

Reading Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter

In our reading lessons Year 1 have had such a wonderful time reading the heritage text ‘Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit’.  We have been practising using our pace and volume to emphasise the story. Soon we will enjoy a trip to ‘The World of Beatrix Potter’ to see the story come to life. 

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Image of Ball Skills
25 January 2023

Ball Skills

In Multiskills, the Year 2 children have been learning how to move and pass a ball using their feet. This week they have been learning how to dribble the ball using their hands as well as passing it to a partner using a chest pass. The children are beginning to control the ball well when dribbling…

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Image of Y3 Compete with their ball control skills
24 January 2023

Y3 Compete with their ball control skills

Fantastic footballers, Year 3!  They all enjoyed keeping their footballs under control to score points in fun footy games. 

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Image of Year 5 Dance
23 January 2023

Year 5 Dance

In PE Year 5 have been putting together their own dance routines with a Bollywood theme. They learnt 3 hand movements and 3 different steps which they combined in their own way to create a unique dance. They enjoyed watching each other’s routines and commenting on strengths and areas for…

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Image of Year 5 Freeze Frames
23 January 2023

Year 5 Freeze Frames

Year 5 enjoyed recreating freeze frame scenes from ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream’. We  then tried to guess which scene it was. 

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Image of KS1 Art and Craft Club
20 January 2023

KS1 Art and Craft Club

KS1 used paint to explore pattern, line, colour, texture and brush techniques. Welcome to Art and Craft Club KS1 artists.

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Image of Celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery
19 January 2023

Celebrating Chinese New Year in Nursery

This week we have been learning about Chinese New Year.

We have been practising some Chinese numbers and symbols in the fine motor area using some paint brushes and we have also had a go at some Chinese New Year themed yoga. We practised moving and being like the different animals who raced…

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Image of Year 1 D & T Structures
17 January 2023

Year 1 D & T Structures

In Design and Technology Year 1 have been exploring ‘Structures’. They have built up their engineering knowledge about what is needed to make a structure sturdy and safe.  We researched famous buildings such as ‘The Leaning Tower of Pisa’ in Italy and looked at what created its famous lean and…

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Image of Tortilla quiche
17 January 2023

Tortilla quiche

The children have been learning about the benefits of eggs in their design technology lesson. They also found out about what it means to be a free range hen. The children prepared the ingredients using the bridge and claw techniques. The quiches were enjoyed by most of the children. What a treat…

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Image of Planets and rockets
16 January 2023

Planets and rockets

In Reception we have started to learn about the topic of 'Space'. The children have been learning the names of the different planets and making them in the right colours with collage. We now know that Mars is the red planet and it is hot and Neptune is a cold planet and it is blue. The children…

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Image of Reception visiting church
16 January 2023

Reception visiting church

In Reception we have been learning about what happens in a church and what we might find in there. We went for a visit to our church next door, St Mary's. The children enjoyed learning about the pews and altar and also looking at the different statues and candles. We were very quiet inside and the…

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