Walby Farm Park 2023
Year 4 had a wonderful day at Walby Farm Park to mark the end of their time in Year 4. Lots of fun was had running, climbing, sliding, petting farm animals and even a tractor ride. Most of all, it was a chance to spend some time with their classmates before the summer break. Before it was time to…
Reception athletes
As part of our gymnastics and athletes sessions with our sports coach, the children have been learning how to throw, hit and catch a ball. They have been learning how to throw under arm and over arm and catch a ball with one hand and two hands. They also learnt how to hit a ball along the floor…
Nursery Outdoor Art
Over the last few weeks in Nursery we have been learning about an artist called Andy Goldsworthy. We have learnt that he used outdoor materials like leaves, pebbles and sticks to create his artwork. We also learnt by looking at pictures of Andy Goldsworthy’s work that he used lots of circular…
Year 5 Tennis
Year 5 have been learning how to play tennis this half term. They have learnt how to hit the ball underarm, overarm and back hand. They have also been practising serving the ball and finished off the sessions with some mini doubles matches against each other.
Nursery St Bee’s Trip
Last week our eldest Nursery children enjoyed a fantastic day out to the beach at St Bee’s to celebrate the end of their Nursery journey before moving up to Reception. They were very excited about the bus journey to St Bee’s and we compared this to the story we had been reading ‘The Train Ride’…
Music and feelings in Nursery
Over the last few weeks in Nursery we have been listening to different types of music and talking about how they make us feel - happy, calm, sad. Our favourite types of music have been the ones that make us feel happy and calm.
We have also had a go at making marks on paper to show the type of…
Move Up Day in Year 2
This morning the Year 1 children moved up to Year 2 to spend some time in their new classroom. They listened to the story ‘The Dot’ by Peter Reynolds then created artwork of their own that started with a dot. They produced many wonderful and imaginative creations. Later on they wrote about their…
Move up Day
Reception had a lovely morning in Year 1. We learnt where everything is in our new class. We loved playing in our new yard. Mrs Robson and Mrs Benn are looking forward to seeing you all in September.
Move Up Morning
We’ve all had a brilliant day moving up to our new classes and spending time with our teachers ready for September!
St Bee’s beach trip in Reception
Reception finished their topic of ‘Commotion in the Ocean’ with a visit to St Bee’s beach. We looked at what a beach looks like now compared to past photos we have been looking at. The children played on the beach, looked for shells and pebbles and even found some crabs in the crab pools. We then…
Kickball Rounders Tournament
Some of our Year 2 children took part in a kickball rounders tournament at St Benedict’s Catholic High School today. They all showed great sportsmanship and worked well together when fielding and kicking. They came second in the tournament overall. What a wonderful performance by each and every…
Himalayan Balsam Pulling
What a great experience for Year 4! Year 4 took part in a conservation project at Longlands Lake to prevent the spread of Himalayan Balsam, which is an invasive species of flowering plant. They helped West Cumbria Rivers Trust remove over grown Himalayan Balsam but pulling it out from the ground,…