Bishop Swarbrick Visits Year 5
Year 5 were honoured to be visited by Bishop Swarbrick today after they wrote to him to ask him questions about being a Bishop. He was kind enough to give up his time to come into school to answer them. Every child in the class had a chance to ask a question and the children were captivated and…
Chicks, chicks and more chicks
Our Reception chicks have been growing and growing each day and are now free to explore. They love eating greens and toast and we have been learning how to look after them including giving them food and clean water.
Science Week in Yr4: Maria Telkes
Last week was British Science Week. In Year 4 we researched into the Scientist Maria Telkes. The children researched and found out about Maria Telkes’ life and Scientific achievements as a Biophysicist. One of the key facts the children found about about her was that she was known as ‘The Sun…
Muncaster Castle trip for Reception 2024
Reception went on a trip to Muncaster Castle to see the owls and birds of prey. We went climbing and sliding up in the quarry and had a turn on the giant swing. The lovely owl handlers from Muncaster Castle set up an owl show for us to watch, with lots of owls showing us how they can fly including…
Year 2 Visit to Strudda Bank Farm March 2024
As part of Science Week Year 2 visited Strudda Bank Farm to find out where their food comes from and what happens on a farm. They looked at different grains that are grown and used in the human and animal food chains. They fed some cows, sat in the tractor, stroked and held one-day-old lambs, met…
Year 2 Bring the Water Cycle to Life
Over the past few weeks Year 2 have been reading ‘The Rhythm of the Rain’ by Grahame Baker-Smith, in their reading lessons, plus some other texts linked to the water cycle. They used what they had learned to show the water cycle using collage.
Year 2 Virtual Author Visit March 2024
Year 1 joined Year 2 for a virtual author and illustrator visit this afternoon. The children listened to the author Kelechi Okafor read her latest book ‘Strong Like Me’. It told the children about the importance of strength in all its forms. Afterwards the illustrator of the book Michaela…
Year 1 Virtual Author Visit March 2024
Year 1 joined Year 2 for a virtual author and illustrator visit this afternoon. The children listened to the author Kelechi Okafor read her latest book ‘Strong Like Me’. It told the children about the importance of strength in all its forms. Afterwards the illustrator of the book Michaela…
Science Week: Year 6 learn about Maggie Aderin-Pocock
As part of science week each class is researching an inspirational woman in science. Year 6 have learnt all about Maggie Aderin-Pocock and her amazing life time achievements. They learnt that she was born in London to Nigerian immigrants and about how she found school difficult because of her…
Our Reception hatching chicks
This week we had our special delivery of chick eggs. They arrived and were put into the incubator until they hatched. 9 of them hatched through the night, but the last one hatched when the children were in school and they got to witness the hatching of a chick. Now they are in their own chick box…
Making bread for St Joseph’s Day
Year 4 made bread today - this links to our work on St Joseph’s Day and the symbolism of the different shapes of bread. The children worked as a team to design and make their own bread.
Sportshall Athletics Festival Y6 2024
Year 6 took part in the Sports Hall Athletics Festival where they got the opportunity to meet children and teachers from local primary and secondary schools in a fun and engaging context. They worked collaboratively with familiar friends and made new acquaintances as they worked together as a team…