Image of Year 1 100 mile challenge
10 September 2018

Year 1 100 mile challenge

Mr Blanks came into school today to launch our 100 mile challenge. Year 1 enjoyed running our mile and are very excited to take this challenge on. 


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Image of Y4 100 Mile Challenge
10 September 2018

Y4 100 Mile Challenge

Y4 started their 100 mile challenge today with Mr. Blanks leading the way! 1 down 99 to go! 


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Image of Y6 Mile a Day Challenge Launch
10 September 2018

Y6 Mile a Day Challenge Launch

Year 6 showed off their athleticism and enthusiasm with Mr Blanks on the yard today. They are aiming to run/power walk a mile every single day to get fit in our whole school Mile A Day Challenge. 100 miles in a 100 days......easy!

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Image of Year 2 100 Mile Challenge
10 September 2018

Year 2 100 Mile Challenge

Year 2 rose to the 100 Miles Challenge this morning by running their first mile. Mr Blanks joined us to help with setting a sensible pace without stopping and to give us advice on running techniques. Now to see who can run 100 miles over the coming year!

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Image of Y4 Gymnastics
10 September 2018

Y4 Gymnastics

Year 4 enjoyed their first gymnastics session today, revisiting old skills and learning lots of new ones. 


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Image of First week in Year 2
7 September 2018

First week in Year 2

Year 2 have settled in really well into their new class. They have been working hard during their first week. Well done and keep it up!

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Image of Nursery's first week
7 September 2018

Nursery's first week

Nursery have had lots of fun this week in our indoor and outdoor provision. They have been playing in our role play house, painting with cotton buds and even having fun outside in the sand tray. By the end of the week they were all very tired, but have settled in super!


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Image of First Days in Reception
6 September 2018

First Days in Reception

Our new Reception children are settling well into school. They are thoroughly enjoying exploring all the equipment in the new outdoor play area.


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Image of Y4 maths
6 September 2018

Y4 maths

Year 4 have been learning all the different mathematical words for add, subtract, times and divide. They were amazed how many there were! 


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Image of Year 3 Prayers
5 September 2018

Year 3 Prayers

Year 3 enjoyed a lovely return to school yesterday. We had a peaceful afternoon composing and sharing prayers for our new school year and enjoying some quiet moments of contemplation.

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Image of Miss Marney’s wedding
21 July 2018

Miss Marney’s wedding

We presented Miss Marney with some gifts in the last assembly of the school year. We would like to wish her and her husband-to-be all the very best for their upcoming wedding in the holidays.

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Image of Roman project
21 July 2018

Roman project

The pupils in Year 4 have been working on a project at home linked to their topic on Romans. They shared their projects with the whole school in assembly. Their hard work and creativity was clear for everyone to see. Well done!

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