Image of Y4 World Rivers
16 October 2018

Y4 World Rivers

Y4 used their topic library books on Rivers to find out facts about world Rivers. They then made information posters to show off all their knowledge! 


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Image of Y4 Library Visit
16 October 2018

Y4 Library Visit

Year 4 enjoyed their visit to the library. They listened to a story then picked a book of their choice. They were encouraged to read the blurb first to see if the book would interest them. 


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Image of Football Club
16 October 2018

Football Club

Years 3 & 4 have been improving their football skills during Football Club after school.  


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Image of Nursery’s family paintings
16 October 2018

Nursery’s family paintings

Nursery have been painting their families. We had some family members that we have already met and some of the children also used their imagination too. See if you can spot your family!!!


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Image of Construction club make a goalie!
16 October 2018

Construction club make a goalie!

Today in construction club we built a goalie and then programmed it to enable it to move from side to side.

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Image of Year 5 build their football skills
16 October 2018

Year 5 build their football skills

Year 5 enjoyed practising their football skills with Mr Green. Ball control was amazing. Well done Year 5!

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Image of Year 3 Library Visit
16 October 2018

Year 3 Library Visit

Year 3 visited Egremont Library this morning. We had fun finding out about how to use the Library, sharing books together and choosing our own books to borrow. Enjoy your books and remember to return them in 2 weeks!

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Image of Year 3 Stoneage Bread
16 October 2018

Year 3 Stoneage Bread

As part of our Stoneage topic, Mia decided to make Stoneage bread as her project.  The recipe was very simple consisting of just flour and water.  Everyone in class had a chance to sample the bread and enjoyed tasting authentic Stoneage food. We decided it tasted better than we expected…

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Image of Year 3 Science Workshop
16 October 2018

Year 3 Science Workshop

Year 3 have been practising being super scientists in our Rocks Workshop. They enjoyed looking at the properties of rocks and fossils, testing the hardness of different types of rock and investigating if rocks float or sink. They are developing excellent prediction, observation and explanation…

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Image of Year 2 Maths
15 October 2018

Year 2 Maths

Year 2 have been learning how to partition two digit numbers in different ways using the part whole model and base 10. 

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Image of Autumn walk
15 October 2018

Autumn walk

Reception have been learning all about the season of Autumn. They have been on an Autumn hunt in the school grounds to find some evidence of things that are changing. They found many leaves of different colours, shapes and sizes along with some seeds that have fallen to the ground. They have been…

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Image of Judo in Year 1
15 October 2018

Judo in Year 1

We are continuing to enjoy our Judo lessons and are enhancing our skills as the weeks go by.


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