Image of Year 2 Remembrance Week
9 November 2018

Year 2 Remembrance Week

This week Year 2 have learning about what Remembrance Day is and its significance. They enjoyed making poppies using different materials to illustrate their learning. 


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Image of Y6 War Poetry
9 November 2018

Y6 War Poetry

As part of our week of remembrance, Y6 have studied the poem Dulce Et Decorum Est by the famous war poet Wilfred Owen. They used his thought provoking poem to create their own poetry which is both beautifully written and moving.  

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Image of Y6 Anti-bullying day
8 November 2018

Y6 Anti-bullying day

To show our support for anti-bullying week, the children in Y6 dressed in blue and created posters to spread the message of friendship around our school. If you’re passing Year 6’s window, have a look at their super work which is proudly on display!

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Image of Y4 anti-bullying day
8 November 2018

Y4 anti-bullying day

Year 4 have been showing that they are against bullying by dressing in blue and creating an 'Anti-Bullying Wall’ with lots of ideas on how they can prevent bullying. 


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Image of Year 5 Commemorate World War 1 at the Beacon
7 November 2018

Year 5 Commemorate World War 1 at the Beacon

Year 5 had a great time at the Beacon where we learned all about World War 1 and took part in a County initiative “A Brave New World”. We studied artefacts from the War, made poppies from plastic bottles and looked around the WW1 exhibition. After lunch we took a wet walk to the archives in town.…

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Image of Nursery’s firework pictures
7 November 2018

Nursery’s firework pictures

This week we have been talking about Bonfire Night and how we might have celebrated it at home. We have painted firework pattern pictures using paint and forks. We have been painting our own firework pictures in the Fine Motor area too, using cotton buds and cocktail sticks. We also made our own…

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Image of Choral Speaking
7 November 2018

Choral Speaking

The Choral Speakers have enjoyed an exceptional day at The Workington Musical Festival.  They received a Distinction mark of 87 for their performance of Dog in the Playground by Allan Ahlberg. There were also individual successes for others pieces.  All the children were a credit to the school and…

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Image of Y4 science experiment
2 November 2018

Y4 science experiment

Year 4 are finding out which drinks do the most damage to our teeth. We used eggs to act as the teeth and put them in jars with different drinks. We will leave them for a few days and see what happens. We predicted which drinks might do the most damage and the reasons given were, ‘coke because it…

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Image of Y3/4 football
2 November 2018

Y3/4 football

A fabulous effort from our year 3/4 footballers today. They were up against some tough competition but still played brilliantly! They all showed good sportsmanship and we were very proud of them! Thank you to our governors Mr. Stead and Mr. Murphy for coming along and supporting…

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Image of Y4 Halloween
1 November 2018

Y4 Halloween

Year 4 had a fun day doing creepy maths co-ordinates, writing spooky stories using expanded noun phrases and drawing haunted house using chalk on black paper. They were also lucky to receive awesome treats from Maxwell and Summer! 


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Image of Year 2 Shabbat
1 November 2018

Year 2 Shabbat

Year 2 have been learning about Shabbat this week. They have written a letter, a poem and designed an information poster. They think it is a great day because it’s a day of complete rest which means no homework. 


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Image of Nursery's Halloween week
1 November 2018

Nursery's Halloween week

Nursery have had a fun week with lots of Halloween focused activities and provision. We have been scooping out pumpkins in the Fine Motor Area, making Halloween shaped play dough, making Halloween lanterns, playing with spaghetti and bugs in the water tray and also touching slime and spiders in…

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