Image of A visit from Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

A visit from Pudsey Bear

Reception were extremely excited to be visited by Pudsey Bear today. They asked many questions about who Pudsey Bear is and what he does. They spent some of the morning finding out about BBC Children in Need and how the money helps children who are less fortunate than…

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Image of Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

Year 2 Meet Pudsey Bear

Year 2 thoroughly enjoyed meeting Pudey Bear this afternoon. He was a lot taller than they expected! 


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Image of Year 3 Meet Pudsey!
15 November 2018

Year 3 Meet Pudsey!


Today Year 3 were absolutely thrilled to meet Pudsey Bear!  We all enjoyed a good cuddle.  Year 3 spent the afternoon researching what ‘Children in Need’ means and how it helps children around the UK.  


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Image of Y6 Children in Need
15 November 2018

Y6 Children in Need

You’re never too old to meet Pudsey Bear!

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Image of Y4 meet Pudsey Bear
15 November 2018

Y4 meet Pudsey Bear

Year 4 enjoyed meeting Pudsey Bear today for ‘Children in Need’. We had non uniform day to help raise money and made £182 as a school. Thank you everyone for your generous donations!

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Image of Year 2 Gymnastics Competition
14 November 2018

Year 2 Gymnastics Competition

Some of Year 2 participated in a gymnastics competition today. They have spent many weeks working hard perfecting their routines and today they had the opportunity to perform in front of judges from St Benedict’s School. We are very proud of how well they conducted themselves and of how well they…

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Image of Year 3 Stone Age Poo Investigation
14 November 2018

Year 3 Stone Age Poo Investigation

Today Year 3 all became Archaelogists investigating what Stone Age people really ate. Year 3 were lucky to receive an almost authentic sample made using a few special ingredients!  We were fully prepared using medical masks and gloves.  All Archaeologists measured the stool sample’s length, width…

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Image of Phunky Fit with Key Stage 1
12 November 2018

Phunky Fit with Key Stage 1

In the first Phunky Fit club the Year 1 and 2 children made fruit and yogurt granola pots. Everyone tried some fruit they were unfamiliar with and decided which fruit they would add to make their pot. The children cut the fruit then topped it with some yogurt and granola. The fruit and yogurt…

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Image of Nursery’s Remembrance Week
12 November 2018

Nursery’s Remembrance Week

Nursery made different types of poppies for Remembrance week. They made some out of card, some out of tissue paper, some by painting cupcake cases and some using painted handprints. The children also painted their own poppy. They were all displayed for our coffee afternoon, alongside our…

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Image of Remembrance Ex-Servicemen Visit
12 November 2018

Remembrance Ex-Servicemen Visit

On Friday 9th November we were extremely lucky to have a visit from Tim, Matt and Gordon who had all served time in the Armed Forces.  They talked to us about the differences between the roles of the Army, Navy and Royal Air Force.  We enjoyed listening to why they decided to join and what…

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Image of Remembrance Week Centenary of World War 1
12 November 2018

Remembrance Week Centenary of World War 1

Year 5 celebrated 100 years since the end of World War 1 by showing their family all of their proud work. They displayed a mixture of art, poetry, writing and a huge mural in the hall. We have been so busy! It was nice to see the whole school decorated with poppies and lovely work from all…

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Image of Remembrance Week
9 November 2018

Remembrance Week

On the 100th anniversary of the Great War ending, Reception have been learning about what the war was like and why we wear poppies to remember all those who fought in the past and those who are in the forces today.



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