Year 5 visit to The Chocolate Factory at Hawshead
Year 5 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the Cocoa Bean Factory this week. We have been reading “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” as a class text in English and studying changes in materials in Science and linked our trip to these topics. We had so much fun making our own chocolate bars, animals…
Y4 Rivers Workshop
Year 4 had a fantastic day today with Becca from West Cumbria Rivers trust. We learnt how to find places on an ordinance survey map and the names of river wildlife in a fun game of ‘Who am I?’ We then did an experiment with soil in different conditions to find out what is ‘good’ and ‘bad’ for…
Construction Club Moving Monkey
We have had a fantastic time tonight making a moving monkey. We followed 39 instructions to build the monkey and then used a computer to code the movements. We are already looking forward to making a crocodile next week
Year 1 Prayer and Liturgy
Year 1 children have enjoyed leading our class Prayer and Liturgy today.We focused on being part of God’s family and reflecting on what we like to do with our family.
Year 2 Gymnastics
Year 2 have been learning how to balance and jump in gymnastics this morning in preparation for their competition.
Year 6 Prayer and Liturgy
Year 6 enjoyed taking part in a lovely prayer and liturgy session this morning, planned and led by Ellie and Lexi. Their theme was “Following in God’s Footsteps”. The whole class experienced quiet reflection time in a circle and all the children responded and joined in by lighting a candle and…
Year 2 Prayer & Liturgy
Year 2 listened to the word of God and, after reflection, to one another’s thoughts about giving praise to God.
KS2 X-Country
Well done to all our x-country runners who took part in difficult conditions. A lot of resilience and determination was shown!
Y5 Football with Stuart Green
Year 5 have thoroughly enjoyed their football with Mr Green. They played lots of games and focused skills.
Nursery having fun in the windy weather
Nursery had lots of fun in the windy weather! We made our own kites and watched them fly in the wind. Luckily we didn't get blown away!!
Year 3 Prayer and Liturgy
Today we enjoyed a Prayer and Liturgy that was planned and led by Mia. She chose the theme, Word of God, seating arrangements and hymns. We look forward to celebrating more Prayer and Liturgy sessions together.
Mud, mud, glorious mud
We introduced mud to our new mud kitchen today. The children had great fun mixing water and mud to make mud pies.