Image of Nursery love to dress up!
12 October 2018

Nursery love to dress up!

In Nursery the children love to dress up as different characters. Here are this week’s stars!


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Image of Multiskills
10 October 2018


Reception made the most of the sunshine on Wednesday  and went outside for P.E. They showed good teamsmanship while playing multiskills games.


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Image of Year 5 Child led Prayer and Liturgy - St. Francis
9 October 2018

Year 5 Child led Prayer and Liturgy - St. Francis

Riley, Oliver, Matty and Keelan planned their own prayer and liturgy for the rest of the class to enjoy. They based it on St. Francis as it was his feast day on the 4th of October. The word of God was from Genesis 1: 22-26 and a reflection was shared to make the children contemplate how they…

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Image of Y5 Pray the Rosary
7 October 2018

Y5 Pray the Rosary

Year 5 have tried really hard to pray the Rosary each day and learnt about the Mysteries and how to use Rosary beads. They have also been saying the additional two prayers as requested by Pope Francis. We have really enjoyed this quiet time of reflection. 


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Image of Nursery visit to the Library Bus
5 October 2018

Nursery visit to the Library Bus

Some of our Nursery went for a visit on the Library Bus. They listened to some stories and then they all got to pick a book to bring back to Nursery for us to share.


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Image of Phonics fun
5 October 2018

Phonics fun

Reception have been practising their letters and sounds in the phonics area. They have also been working on writing their names using correct letter formation.


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Image of First visit from the library bus
5 October 2018

First visit from the library bus

Reception enjoyed their first visit on the library bus this morning. They thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the books there were to choose from. They can’t wait to visit Egremont library later this term.


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Image of Y4 Residential Gillerthwaite
4 October 2018

Y4 Residential Gillerthwaite

Y4 have had an amazing experience on their residential to Gillerthwaite in Ennerdale. They were all really well behaved, had lovely manners and were a credit to our school. The activities we did were a photo treasure hunt, river dipping, drawing a map, natural art, climbing trees, bat hunting and…

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Image of Year 2 Trip to Tullie House
4 October 2018

Year 2 Trip to Tullie House

Year 2 enjoyed a trip to Tullie House to meet a real life Superhero from the past. They learnt lots about how Florence Nightingale took risks and showed selflessness when she cared for injured soldiers. They also investigated and compared different objects from the past with objects we use today…

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Image of Year 3 Computing
4 October 2018

Year 3 Computing

Today Year 3 have enjoyed using Microsoft Word to present their homework poetry.  They used Wordart, changed fonts and inserted page borders.  We enjoyed sharing our family poems.

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Image of Y3 and Y6 buddies
2 October 2018

Y3 and Y6 buddies

As part of our RE work on being good shepherds, Y3 spent a lovely afternoon in Y6 getting to know their new “buddies”. Each younger child has been assigned a Y6 role model to keep them safe and offer a friendly face to them in KS2. 

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Image of Y4 Digestive System
29 September 2018

Y4 Digestive System

Y4 have been learning about the human digestive system. We made a working model out of weetabix, coke, and tights to show how food passes through our body. There was much laughter and disgust at the end product!

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