Y4 Firework Maker’s Daughter
Year 4 are reading the Firework marker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman. In English they read a description of the Water Goddess then drafted their own descriptions. These were edited and upgraded adding similes to enhance the description then copied into their English books in their best…
Y4 maths games
As part of our maths day year 4 played some maths games. When they landed on a square they had to work out the calculation. The winner was the first to finish and answer all the questions correctly. They then went on to design and play their own maths games!
Year 5 Maths Day - Money and Measuring
As part of our Maths reasoning, we used a £20 budget to make mars bar cake for our class. We went shopping for the ingredients and worked out which shop was providing us with best value for money. We saved £6:80 by shopping at Herons! We then used weighing scales to make and follow a delicious…
Mile a Day
This afternoon Year 3, Year 6 and Reception enjoyed running our Mile a Day togther! It’s amazing how it makes us all feel better and great to see everyone improving. Let’s keep it up!
Phunky Fit
Year 3 and 4 enjoyed making healthy pizzas in Phunky Fit after school club. They used tortilla wraps for the base with a tomato or barbecue sauce topped with a choice of fresh vegetables and cheese!
Year 2 Fun at the Fire Station
Year 2 had great fun squirting water from the firefighters’ hose pipes on Tuesday!
Year2 Firestation
What a great afternoon Year 2 had at Whitehaven Fire Station! The Blue Watch showed us all the special equipment they use to save lives and took us on a tour of their station.
St Bridget’s Cross
Year 1 have been hearing the story of St Bridget this week and we have tried to weave a cross. It was quite difficult but with a little help we managed to make some stunning crosses.
Reception visit church
As part of our work on celebrations in R.E., Reception went to church to find artefacts that are used as part of a celebration. They found the different features in the church very interesting and found out some facts about them too.
Nursery’s Bear masks
After reading the story, ‘We’re Going on a Bear Hunt’ this week, the children made some bear masks in the provision. Some were very friendly bears, but some were scary!!
Year 2 Reporters
Year 2 have spent the week doing lots of activities around the Traditional Tale ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’ . Today they wrote their own newspaper report about what really happened.
Egremont library visit
We enjoyed choosing new books at Egremont library.