Year 2 Gym
Year 2 enjoyed using a range of different apparatus this morning to practise the skills they have learnt in gymnastics this term. They used different ways to move along the equipment and created their own shapes as well as traditional gymnastics poses.
Y5 Christmas Jumper day
Year 5 enjoyed wearing their best Christmas jumpers to raise money for Save the Children. Feeling the festive spirit!!!☃️
Christmas comes to Year One
After our amazing performance year one have had a busy week making cards and calendars using repeating patterns. We also made a bauble for the class Christmas tree with a piece of ribbon attached showing how tall we are. These crafts will be coming home next week.
Elsa and the Elf
On Friday Elsa taught the elf a lesson and froze him with her magical freezing powers. He couldn’t cause any trouble, but let’s hope he defrosts for Monday.
Nursery Christmas jumper day
Nursery wore their Christmas jumpers on Friday for Christmas jumper day. They all looked super! We even had some Christmas baby sharks.
Year 2 Computing
Year 2 enjoyed being digital artists this afternoon. They used 2Paint a Picture to recreate the famous painting ‘Bridge over a Pond of Lillies’ by the French Impressionist artist Claude Monet.
Year 2 Christmas Jumper Day
Year 2 have been feeling very festive today in their Christmas jumpers.
What have the Kindness Elves been up to this week!
This week the Kindness Elves asked Reception to make a Christmas decoration for a friend or family member.Today we have been helping each other to take photos of ourselves using the Christmas photo props. We have had such a giggle!
Christmas fun!
This week Reception have been taking part in lots of fun Christmas activities: decorating a Christmas tree, creating Christmas wrapping paper, visiting Santa in the outdoor grotto, making Christmas tree words and completing Christmas patterns on the interactive screen.
Y6 Christmas Jumper Day
Y6 have had a lovely festive day wearing their Christmas jumpers. Well done on such a super effort!
Year 3 Christmas Jumper Day
Today we had a great day in our Christmas jumpers raising money for Save The Children. We are definitely all feeling in the Christmas spirit now!
Nursery’s Christmas sing along
Today the Nursery children did a fantastic job in the Nursery sing along. We hope everyone who came enjoyed watching them. We are so proud of them! Here are some pictures of a couple of our dress rehearsals.