Y4 Library Visit
Year 4 enjoyed their trip to the library. They listened to a story, learnt how to respect books and chose a new book to take home. Back in class they carried on their learning by looking at who the author and illustrator were, studying the blurb and using a dictionary to find the meaning of any…
Y4 cricket
Y4 enjoyed their first session of cricket with Chad today. They learnt how to react quickly to instructions, how to bowl and finished off with a fun game of Quick Cricket!
Cyclewise Assessment Day
The weather did not stop us completing our cycle training. We all wrapped up warm warm and went out for an intense final day, to help us to become safer on the roads.
Year2 Maths Day
As part of Maths day, Year 2 really enjoyed playing different maths games on the laptops using and improving their mathematical knowledge and understanding.
Y6 Maths Games Afternoon
Y6 ended another busy week by putting their mental arithmetic and timestables skills and knowledge into practise by spending the afternoon challenging each other to a series of Maths games.
Maths and Computing
Today the Reception children used their knowledge of position and direction to help them program the BeeBots to travel along an activity mat. They had great fun exploring what BeeBot can do!
Talk for Writing - The Three Little Pigs
This week Reception have been learning to retell the story of ‘The Three Little Pigs’ using actions, storytelling spoons, props in the tuff tray and story maps. Today the children were shown how to draw a story map then had a go at drawing their own story maps on a large scale. They have all taken…
Last week’s Star of the week in Nursery
Last week’s Star of the week in Nursery was Ella Mai. She has been showing great confidence in her mark making and number skills. Well done!
Maths in Nursery
This week in Nursery we have been learning about long, tall and short. The children have been making long trains and train tracks and building tall and short towers. Some of their towers were even bigger than them! We also did some threading with long and short laces.
Year 3 Maths Treasure Hunt & Games!
Wow! We’ve had such fun this afternoon outside with a ‘Times Tables’ treasure hunt. Hopefully we managed to work out the clues before they flew away! We enjoyed some edible treasure and a story to warm up. In class we also enjoyed playing board games to encourage a quick recall of our…
Year2 Maths Day
As part of Maths day, Year 2 really enjoyed playing different maths games on the laptops.